Every time I wake up….I feel, well, scared.
My old desk lamp. It used to be a simple thing. Antique, 60-watt light bulb and an old maize lampshade. Those were the days. Then, after six years of fine service, it finally broke. Father picked me out a new one and I must say I’m not pleased. He chose the Babushka lamp from Mathmos. Technically, it’s a beautiful light. It’s almost like a work of art.
Except works of art don’t touch your wee wee in the middle of the night.
I promised the Babushka lamp I wouldn’t ever leave it. Ever. At $745, I can understand why, but boy does it scare me some nights.
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Did any one else find this review disturbing? Or is it just me? Mathmos Babushka is only $75 by the way… http://www.mathmos.com – anyone paying $745 is being seriously ripped off!!
what kind of fucking idiot pays $745 for a lamp
or even 75