DIY: Wearable LED Light Bracelet Cuff


Jealous of the way other people’s wrists glow and yours is just plain and pasty? You too can have shiny wrists. Perhaps shinier than anyone else’s wrist. The Sparklab Wearable Light kit is a wrist cuff with embedded LED’s. The Velcro strap acts as a switch, so that the lights are only illuminated when the bracelet is being worn.

The kit is designed to investigate the DIY culture. “Marrying” sewing techniques with cool looking electronics, the kit allows you to create some simple circuitry to create a LED design of your own. Then, you can wear it when you go club hopping and show it off to all of your hipster friends. Yeah, they’ll be jealous. — Andrew Dobrow


About Andrew

Hey Folks! Myself Andrew Emerson I'm from Houston. I'm a blogger and writer who writes about Technology, Arts & Design, Gadgets, Movies, and Gaming etc. Hope you join me in this journey and make it a lot of fun.


  1. Hi Breidi i’m doing a project at school on a wearable light. If you have any tips or hints to help they would be greatly recived.

  2. This would be something to wear during night as it would really shine. However during it the day it may be pretty plain.

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