If you’ve ever considered adding an extra level of protection to your vehicle, you may well have looked at steering wheel locks and other forms of defence against theft. One of the options you have likely explored would be the immobiliser. While there are several of these on the market, all offering different features, the Ghost immobiliser, which effectively prevents unauthorised vehicle operation, continues to be one of the most popular on the market. But why? Simply put, most people rate the Ghost for a variety of advanced security features, which can help enhance the safety of your vehicle. Let’s explore these security features in more detail.
Advanced PIN code Security
Where some immobilisers rely on a simple PIN code, the Ghost immobiliser allows for incredibly complex sequences, which makes it almost impossible for anyone looking to steal your car to guess. It is possible to use 20-digit codes for the highest level of security. Not only this, but the system offers a valet mode, which temporarily disables the immobiliser with a more simple PIN code when you’re asking someone else to park your vehicle.
App integration
It is possible for you to connect your smartphone app to your immobiliser, which allows you to disarm it remotely from your phone. This eliminates the need to enter the PIN code every time you enter your vehicle. The app is also useful for vehicle tracking and getting real-time security alerts.
Automatic disarming
Again, this relates to the use of a mobile phone with the ghost immobiliser. It is possible to program the immobiliser to automatically disarm when your specific smartphone is close by.
Tamper proof and waterproof.
Much research and development have gone into the Ghost immobiliser to ensure it withstands harsh weather conditions. It is also tamperproof, so it will continue to work if someone tries to physically access the unit. Again, this provides more resilience against theft.
Service mode
As we mentioned, there is valet mode, which allows a parking attendant to access your vehicle for a short time. In addition, you can set a service mode that allows the vehicle to start without the PIN for a limited time. This will keep your code confidential and prevent it from being compromised at any service centre.
Emergency override
If you have forgotten your PIN code, there will be a secure emergency override code you can use. This will have been provided to you during installation. If you need to access your vehicle in an emergency and can’t remember your PIN code, this can give you peace of mind that you will be able to do so.
No radio frequency
Some other immobilisers emit radio frequency signals, which make them detectable by RF scanners.
These are typically used by thieves to check where the mobiliser is and whether they can disarm it. Unlike these older immobilisers, the Ghost immobiliser emits no radio frequency, making it almost undetectable.
Updates and evolution
The Ghost immobiliser is under a process of continuous improvement. Continuous updates to the technology used means you can stay ahead of any evolutions in theft techniques. This means that your vehicle will remain protected against threats as they emerge.
The mobiliser is also compatible with a huge range of vehicles, from everyday cars to high-end luxury vehicles. Simply put, there is an option for every driver.
Professionally installed
Finally, the Ghost immobiliser can only be installed by accredited professionals. This means the system will be completely integrated with your vehicle’s electronics, allowing you to benefit from optimal performance and enhanced security.