Falling under the conditions of the human condition, we’re born explorers. Sure, we’d love to seek out all of the hidden nooks of the world, but rather it be work or money, there’s always an excuse holding us back from traveling. GeoSim is launching their first complete city tour, starting with Philadelphia, which might one day lead to a whole new form of tourism.
There’s a whole sub-culture of tourism known as the “armchair traveler”. People who drift into travel books in the comfort of their own homes without lifting more than a finger to turn a page. GeoSim has completed a rendering of the city of Philly (where we hear Vince Veneziani Will Smith was? reportedly born and raised, though has been known to frequent the playground on most of his days), down to the current storefronts, architecture, even placements of trash cans.

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damn, I thought this was for real in the future