Google Wave Invites Now Available


Hello, fellow GEARheads. We’ve managed to get our hands on several invites for the sacred Google Wave preview. If you need an invite drop us a line and leave a comment including your e-mail address or follow us on Twitter and let us know! We’ll get one out to as many of you as possible.

Just a small disclaimer. The invites are not sent out immediately, Google might take their sweet time to send you the joyous e-mail. Want an invite? Let us know, we’ll add you to our nomination list!

Update: We’re fresh out of invites for now, but we’ll try and beg some more off of Google!

About Andrew

Hey Folks! Myself Andrew Emerson I'm from Houston. I'm a blogger and writer who writes about Technology, Arts & Design, Gadgets, Movies, and Gaming etc. Hope you join me in this journey and make it a lot of fun.


  1. I’d love to get an invite!

  2. I would like a google wave invite. My email is It would be greatly appreciated!!!!! thank you!!!!

  3. i’ll take an invite if possible please.

  4. A google wave invite would be awesome!

  5. I`d like an invite….very, very much!!!

  6. let me ride the future…pretty please.

  7. Please invite if you have any available!

  8. hi.. i’d like an invite too.. please send me one at


  9. I’ll like on plz!! :):)

  10. I would love a wave invite. My friend has it and I want to try it out with him at work. THANKS!

  11. I would love a google wave invite if you have any left.

  12. I would like one please 🙂

  13. Hey Guys!!!

    I would love an invite when available!!! Thanks!! You guys rock!!!

  14. I’d love to get an invite if they’re still available, thanks!

  15. Please oh please. I would love an invite.

  16. I’d like one! Please.

  17. Would looove to get and invite 🙂

  18. Hi there guys,
    I would really apreciate an invitation.
    Thanks a lot and all the best from Brazil

  19. Would love an invite please, thank you!

  20. I really apreciate an invitation!!
    You rock! 🙂

  21. I would like an invite please.

    Please send to


  22. I need it!!I need it!! 🙂

  23. I’d like one too please.


  24. I’d love to have an invite.

  25. I want one too!



  26. I would love an invite and can return the favor for anyone

  27. Would love an invite if there are any left. 😀


  28. pick me! pick me!
    damn i would love to start playing with Wave so an invite would be brilliant!

  29. An invite would be great! Yay for Gearfuse!

  30. Hi, i will love one, please send me one

  31. Have mercy. I’ve been begging all over the Internet for a week now.

  32. You all suck.

    kpeteh at g mail dot com

    Thanks in advanced, as they say in India. ASAP!

  33. Hey I’d love an invite! Thanks!

  34. An Google Wave invitation?! Well that’d be THE BEST.

  35. I would like to have an invite, please. Thank you so much! 🙂

  36. An invite would be fabulous !

  37. Send one my way please.

  38. I’d love an invite if possible 🙂

  39. I would love to have one !! thanks !

  40. I would love a google wave invite please send to thanks

  41. Would love to get one! Thanks!

  42. Can I haz an invite, plz? 🙂

  43. I’ve been looking everywhere for an invite!!!! Hook me up please

  44. I’d love an invite if you still have any. Thank you.

  45. Please send me an invite! I will come back and comment on my experience. Thank you.

  46. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! I’m tired of reading reviews, I want some hands on!

  47. I would love an invite as well! Thanks in advance.

  48. I’d also appreciate an invite!

  49. i would love an invite! thanks so much in advance!

  50. I would love an invite as well! May I please have one?

    Thanks! 🙂

  51. I really appreciate an invitation.. Please!!



    I would love a wave invite, thanks in advance. 🙂

  53. Would love one if available!

  54. hey are there any invites left?
    i’d love to try wave it sounds and looks AWESOME!!!

  55. Yes please if possible.

    Thanks, Mike

  56. Me too thanks!

  57. Ciao to all,
    I’ve been wondering the net and submitting requests all around for having an invite that let me ride “the wave”… Please guys 😉


  58. Is the offer still open? I would greatly appreciate a google wave invite

  59. I would let out a little tiny sex wee if you gave one to me.

  60. I also want one 🙂

  61. Hi i am one of the thousands that is yearning,wanting,waiting in anticipation for a Google wave invite please.

  62. Figures the one day I skip gearfuse! If any left, I would love an invite,

  63. I can’t tell you how much I want this invite!
    Can I have one, please!?

    Thank you guys for sharing!! 🙂

  64. If you have any invites left, I’d really like to get on the wave.
    My e-mail address is

  65. Can I get an invite plz?
    you’d make me a very happy panda! =)

  66. Yes I would love an invite
    Been waiting since May
    PLz I would love to try it out

  67. Ah, seems I might be too late. If any remain, I’d love to wave around.

  68. Oh yeah Sign me up

  69. Please, please!!! sent me an invite… I would love to try it out!!

  70. I would really really really love a invite plz!!!!

  71. so all it takes to get comments is to give people something.

  72. Google Wave can be a game changer. And I am eager to try it. I would love to receive an invite.

  73. Oh me! Pick me! Me! ME! **Ahem** jk
    Victoria Duffy

  74. I would realy like to get invoted, I have been looking realy to get an invite…

  75. Would love to WAVE, please invite. Thx, A

  76. I would love an invite!!! Please invite me! 🙂

  77. I feel like a surfer who just moved to Arizona: no waves. 🙁

  78. invitation wanted, tks.

  79. I appreciate if anyone of you can send me an invitation. Thanks!

  80. forget to include email address. It is

  81. Feed me. an invite. You guys are the best. Shpanx.

  82. i would love an invite!!! please, at!!!! 😀

  83. I LOVE YOU FOREVER, GEARFUSE!!!!! thank you soooooo much for sending me an invite!

  84. Well, If you do get the new invites, here`s my e-mail:

    By the way, If any of you that already got the invite has a spare invite, please invite me!

  85. would like an invite


  86. I’m probably too late, however please send me an invite for google wave. It’s just what I’ve always wanted. It would make all of my dreams come true! 😀

  87. I need to be a part of the wave of the future. Please send me an invitation!!!!!

  88. To celebrate the launch of Cookie Jar 7, we are giving away five Google Wave invites over five days. For a chance to win, simply ReTweet �@solidstategroup launches Cookie Jar 7 and is giving away 5#Googlewave invites. ReTweet and follow for a chance to win� and follow us on Twitter.

  89. I like to be invited as well!!! Thank you

  90. Pls send an invite

  91. I would appreciate an invite Google Wave:
    Twitter: @gustavorugila
    Thanks a lot

  92. Would be good if you could send an invite to

    thanks in advance.

  93. me tooo bhai..eagerly waiting for that frm a long time

    pls dend me one..thnx in advance

  94. thx in advance

  95. please add me, thanks a lot:

  96. plssssss do me a huge favor and spare an invite to me,.thanks a ton

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