Later today, you’re going to feel the ground shake a little and possible open up in some areas. Don’t worry. It’s just the sound of the earth moving around furiously over news of this 120GB Zune. What’s a Zune? A strange MP3 player from Microsoft that still hasn’t died and a 120GB is due out next week.
Now about that earth moving around. That’s because some dude in Hotlanta, GA bought a 120GB Zune early at a Fry’s Electronics. It’s not the first time a product has been available for purchase early. Want a CD a week or so before it comes out? Find a (very) local CD retailer and check in with them every day. That’s how I got my Dashboard Confessional albums, which in turn I ripped to my Zune which in turn made me want to kill myself. $250 and your pride.