Choosing an internet provider in Australia is no easy feat. There are tons of providers out there and you have to wade through endless package choices and confusing contract details. It’s easy to end up with the wrong guy. So we’ve come up some helpful hints, to ensure you end up with the best possible provider.
1. Find the Top Internet Providers
The top internet providers in Australia will offer various types of internet connections, including mobile broadband, NBN, cable (HFC), and ADSL/ADSL2. Most of these have an option for WiFi so you won’t have to worry about dealing with pesky wires running through your home. So the type of internet plan will depend mainly on your location. You should look for the following top internet providers and see if they’re available in your area:
- Belong
- Internode
- iiNet
- Optus
- Telstra
- iPrimus
2. Determine the Speed You Need
It’s important to understand the internet speed or bandwidth you need for your home or business. If you frequently carry out data-intensive tasks or you have high internet usage, you’ll need a high bandwidth connection. Take a look at the different internet plans available and find the speed that’s best suited to you and your household.
3. Compare Plans, Speeds, Pricing, and Customer Ratings
Once you’ve found the top internet providers in your area and determined the speed you need, the next step is to compare the internet service providers. You should compare the plans, speed, pricing and customer satisfaction rating of the different providers in your area.
Some providers offer great speed at a low price but have a low customer satisfaction rating. While others don’t offer great speeds but have a high customer satisfaction score. Ideally, you should look for an internet provider that scores well in all departments. But that’s sometimes easy said than done. The best way to it, is by jumping on a comparison site like iSelect, compare the different internet plans and determine what matters the most to you. Maybe it’s speed, or maybe it’s price.
4. Choose the Internet Provider
Once you know the speed you want and have compared the internet plans in your area, you can feel good about making an informed decision.