We sort of took all of the iPad�menstruation-centric�references�and ran with it. How could we not? iPad feminine product references�were running rampant. So what could we do? So it’s only natural that we continue the trend with the iMaxi Case, an iPad case which demonstrates the device’s expert skill at absorbing your feminine fluids.
Etsy designer Hiphandmaids designed the iMaxi feminine pad-themed iPad case, which very well might be worth the LOLz, if you don’t mind some light�embarrassment.
Really seems like the best cover for the iPad! Many Apple fans hate the design of the iPad. Keep it up Gear Fuse.
Lol, it’s a lovely case, it actually seems like it would take care of the device quite well. At least this menstrual play on the iPad isn’t as derogatory as a lot have been. But if you want to stock up your iPad with some menstrual apps, here’s where to start: http://www.appolicious.com/curated-apps/275-menstruation-yeahtheres-an-app-for-that