When it comes to finding cloud based solutions the pickings aren’t slim, in fact there are a vast number of offerings to choose from. The problem is, however, that not all of these solutions offer mobile and tablet friendly options for collaborating on online presentations.
So just how does 9Slides remedy this predicament? Whether looking in to training seasonal employees or simply making a presentation about your company products and services, 9Slides offers online presentation tools on a mobile and tablet friendly cloud solution.
So why should you care? There are a number of reasons why, as an integral part of your business, you should care.
Cutting Costs
9Slides offers the opportunity for training large groups of individuals without the cost of carting all of those people in to one central location. This is a great benefit for those companies that run on contracted labor because it opens up the job market nationwide…or even globally which also cuts down expenses.
Democratized Learning
Democratized learning is the opportunity for employees to reach their full potential by giving them the tools needed to educate themselves and further their own careers. Why should you care about offering democratized learning solutions within your company? It allows employees to take initiative, to control their fate as it were and with access to the materials to do this productivity is generally increased.
Improving Communication
Looking back for a moment at companies that utilize contracted labor and outsource labor, communication can become an issue. Utilizing 9Slides allows for overall improvement of communications while educating employees as to what is expected of them in their current roles.
Mobile Access
Mobile access, for example the use of an iPad app, is key in successful business these days. Without mobile access company costs are destined to increase and employee frustration will certainly increase because access to materials will be limited. Utilizing a cloud service like 9Slides that provides mobile access to users working from tablets etc. allows for users to not only work outside the office, but it also allows for users to work on the go. How is this beneficial? Well, remember the presentation that Jenny had been working on putting together for XYZ Company’s advertising campaign before she went on vacation? Well, there’s been a change of schedule and they need it completed sooner than expected. Okay, good thing we have the files on the cloud right? Well, it’s not so great when you realize that the only person familiar with this campaign is Jenny and that she is in the Bahamas on her long awaited vacation and while she didn’t take her laptop, she did take her tablet. With mobile access and Cloud9 you can easily get the presentation completed by Jenny (with paid overtime of course.)
Whether you are a small business or a large corporation, 9Slides offers your company the ability to mobilize cloud presentations seamlessly which will improve organization, increase productivity and reduce cost for your company overall. And regardless of size, what company doesn’t want to reduce cost while increasing productivity?