Accidents are more common than ever. None of us ever wants to experience a car accident. Yet life works in mysterious ways, and often, the outcomes are not what we wish for. You might get behind the wheel intending to go to work, see a friend, or pick up the kids from school, among other destinations.
However, another driver’s rogue actions can interrupt your plans and cause a road accident. Following the crash, adrenaline may still be running high, masking any pain. You might be preoccupied with your passengers, overlooking your own safety. Nonetheless, looking out for injuries during a road accident is critical for many reasons.
If you or your loved one has been injured in a car accident, seeking help from a lawyer, such as Rich Godshall, is crucial. These experts know the ins and outs of car accident litigation and help you seek compensation that you rightfully deserve.
That said, let’s take a closer look at why timely medical attention is crucial after a car accident.
The Critical Importance of Timely Medical Attention After a Car Accident
Timely medical assistance is a vital aspect in car accidents. The first and arguably most important consideration is your safety. The sooner an injury is identified, the easier it is to treat. Waiting too long can be dangerous; an injury may become fatal or lead to consequences, such as permanent disability. These outcomes might be avoidable with earlier treatment.
Furthermore, some injuries do not manifest immediately after the accident. They may take a while to show symptoms. Seeking medical attention early can help identify such injuries at their initial stages.
The second reason to seek early treatment is for compensation purposes. If you are not at fault in a road accident, you can seek compensation from the at-fault driver and their insurance. The injuries you sustained form critical aspects of such claims. Proper documentation of your injuries strengthens your case and ensures a fair evaluation of damages. Additionally, prompt medical care creates a clear timeline linking your injuries to the accident. Neglecting to seek treatment may give the opposing party grounds to dispute your claims.
The Role of Evidence
Remember, these cases heavily rely on evidence. Your doctor visits, diagnoses, and prescriptions are a part of this evidence. Waiting too long to seek medical attention might allow insurers to claim that your injuries are less severe than you. They may even argue that your injuries are unrelated to the crash.
Why is this important? Insurance companies are businesses first. Their first obligation is to make a profit for their owners and stakeholders, and you, the victim, are not on their first list of priorities. Therefore, insurance adjusters are meticulous in their work, seeking any weak links that can undermine your case and reduce your compensation.
Failing to seek medical attention early enough is akin to handing them a weak link on a silver platter. This raises the question: what is ‘early enough’ in this context? Is it a day? A week? Indeed, it can’t be a month.
As attorney Rich Godshall of Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers states, “The ideal time to seek medical attention after a car crash, according to insurance adjusters, is within 72 hours post-accident, which is equivalent to three days. This timeframe is still flexible for most people.”
Suffering a personal injury does not have to mean the end of the road for you. Your first course of action should be to seek comprehensive medical treatment and assessment from your doctor. Then, you should seek the services of a car accident attorney. Please provide them with all the details of your case and your medical diagnosis. They will use this information to build a strong case for you, collecting evidence and interviewing witnesses.
A car accident attorney will negotiate with insurance adjusters, often employing dubious tactics to shortchange victims. They will leverage their knowledge and background to try to secure the maximum compensation for you.