Yo, JC, we’re cool, right? I mean, I know, I was born Jewish. And while I’m not a practicing Jew, per se, you won’t strike me down for spreading the word about this LEGO image of yourself, right? Just wanted to get that out of the way. As a geeky God fearing people, we believe the only way to truly honor our savor is to recreate him with the always-versatile LEGO bricks.
A Swedish protestant church assembled this six-foot tall Jesus figure. Composed of 30,000 piece LEGO bricks, it took about 40 volunteers a total of 18 months to finish their massive Jesus project. Pretty impressive in a “I feel like being smite” sort of way. Sadly, it doesn’t include any superpowers, like walking on water. More pic love after the Jump-ses Christ.
Woah, Lego Jesus’ right foot is strangely oversized…
Thought this might be a bit strange. But oddly interesting! The power of Christ compels me to Tweet this…
Totally inspiring! Thanks to everyone who created this!
There is no god. Get over it. Think for yourself instead of being told what to think.