I’m all about Spock. Which is the main reason why I was attracted to these LEGO mosaics. They come in many different flavors including Star Wars, Mad magazine’s Alfred E. Neuman and even Adam West as Batman. Etsy member Motion5 sells these works of art for prices ranging from $50 to $400.
He also takes high resolution shots of his work that any idiot with half a brain could duplicate. Don’t get me wrong, the art is impressive but these screenshots are so detailed that I have the schematics for the art right in front of me. Hell, I could probably make one in Bricksmith.
He has done a good job with the Spock given that it is so small. Only 10″ or 15″ sqaure is not much room for detail. To get more detial you need to make a LEGO Mosaic large. At least 30″ x 45″.