This Lego-shaped Sofa, named Bekky, not only looks like Lego’s, but acts like Lego’s too. These building block Lego pieces of furniture can actually be rearranged into any creation you want (if you have the money to buy enough to make your creation). If you get tired of your Lego couch design one day, just rearrange the blocks and you have yourself a whole new couch.
The Lego Sofa set retails for a price of $466, which really is a reasonable price for ANY sofa, let alone a cool looking Lego sofa. Looks like it could be comfortable too. — Andrew Dobrow
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Andrew, I don’t know how comfy sitting on those bumps and knobs would actually be. lol Fun though.
Sunny: I guess that all depends on your comfort level of having little knobbies up your ass. Some people might enjoy it. For me, the discomfort might be worth the cool factor.
How do I order one of these couches? I am a Children’s Church Director and we have our room in a legos theme and I would love to have one set for our room. I have not seen an order button or a phone number. Please send me the info or if I order from you let me know asap.
Tish Striegel