LG presented its new 3G series smartphone, the KS10, at the 3GSM World Congress 2007. The KS10 features fully functioning internet capabilities. Its high speed HSDPA internet connection can transfer data at speeds up to 1.8Mbps, allowing streaming of high quality TV.
The KS10’s 2.4-inch QVGA screen looks to be crisp and clear from the pictures. Along with its full internet feature, it can record browsed pages, sort, capture web pictures, a keyword search (like AOL? Sure hope not!), and has a built in MP3 player. We’re also liking the look of it too. Very sleek and nice sliding action. More from 3GSM as it develops.
— Andrew Dobrow
LG to present 3G smartphone ‘KS10’ with full internet browsing capability [AVING USA]