We’ll be giving you live updates from outside Apple’s flagship Fifth Avenue store in New York City as the iPhone 3G launches. Expect a massive iPhone 3G line, desperate fanboys and a whole lotta’ coffee. Hit the jump for live updates.
8:03AM – Rumor is the line goes down to Park Ave.
8:02AM – I’m assuming they’re letting people into the store in groups due to the rumor that the phone takes up to 15 minutes to set up in-store.
8:01AM – Some guy tried to run into the store with an American flag and a crate of apples but got owned by security.
8:00AM – The iPhone 3G is officially for sale, customers are being let in to the store. Lots of applause from everyone around.
7:58AM – With two minutes to launch, all the news stations are getting prepaired
7:57AM – The Apple team is coming out and now standing outside of the store, wearing orange iPhone 3G shirts.
7:53AM – The line is now wrapped around 58th down Madison all the way to 59th.
7:48AM – 10 minutes to launch. Fanboys have reportedly flooded the area with semen.
7:45AM – Looking for a live unboxing? Pha over at CrunchGear is doing it live right now, sans pants – http://www.crunchgear.com/2008/07/11/live-iphone-3g-unboxing-review/
7:41AM – A group of people just went down into the store. Maybe some lucky folks are getting an early shot at a purchase?
7:36AM – Crazy religious zealots are going ape shit on 58th and 5th ave. Security is about to go wild
7:33AM – Things are picking up. The line for phones extends around the corner, down 58th st. and down to FAO Schwarz’s door.
7:13AM – Easily hacking WiFi here. CBS’ Today Show is here. Big line, as expected. Plenty of police action across the street in Central Park.
6:15AM – Heading over to 59th and 5th.