�I just can’t get enough of all this�new glass.� Saazs has developed a self-illuminating glass which could eventually�replace�light-bulbs�altogether. It’s an eco-friendly design that eliminates the need for electricity. �It doesn’t quite light up the room like a neon-light would and only lasts about 20 years, but it’s still a better solution if you’re all about the green.
Environmental improvements are delivered in part by the non-toxic gas employed: a significant improvement over the mercury-infused gas of neon bulbs.
Within three years, the company hopes to not only increase the life of the illuminating glass but also make its light efficiency just as bright as your average neon-light. Hippies are going to love to couple this with�the Livinglass.
just to say that the technology is not only for the future. Saazs launch in milan during the last design week in Milan (April) andwith a collection of 3 products + 3 art light pieces !