Search Results for: youtube

LED Hourglass earns another dimension

In the beginning of the month, we wrote about a design project in which college students created a digital LED hourglass. It seems to have been a hit considering that the hourglass earned enough buzz to garner itself a new dimension. Making it the new and improved 3D LED hourglass. The LED’s are arranged in a conical, circular design which ...

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Mospeng-kun robot gives out free tissues to all

[ev type=”youtube” data=”hBBCcmw2nnA”][/ev] It might sound pointless, but Mospeng-kun, the tissue dispensing robot, seems to be a friendly addition to the workplace. Why they chose tissues to be the item given away is beyond us, but hey, it is Japan we’re talking about. The friendly Mospeng-kun detects the presence of a human life-form near by and then attacks…with smiles and ...

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MadTV takes on Steve Jobs, Apple, and the U.S. government with the iRack

[ev type=”youtube” data=”o-KWYYIY4jQ”][/ev] Saturday Night Live rip-off sketch comedy troupe, MadTV, produced a parody last night of Steve Jobs’ Keynote Speech at Macworld. The thought of mixing politics with our precious gadgets enrages us, but the subject note was just too damn funny to resist. But if Jobs doesn’t stop feeding the iRack, it’s going to blow! And like other ...

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Be a Wii-J and mash up some music with a Wiimote hack

[ev type=”youtube” data=”503C14RFphQ”][/ev] Here’s a really cool find. A guy who calls himself DJ ! (DJ Shift+1) has developed a way to hack into the Wiimote and re-map their functions to mod them into a music mixing device compatible with the PC. The video above shows the results of what can be created through a little created hacking. Catch the ...

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The Super Computer of 1997: My, oh, my, we’ve come a long way, baby!

[ev type=”youtube” data=”XzMvrNxnMD8″][/ev] OMG! We’ve got 35 MB of RAM, and a 2 GB HDD! Wow-wee! If that salesman was any more excited his eyes would be popping out of his skull. If you listen towards the last 30 seconds, he sounds like he’s hyperventilating. OH! Almost forgot the 33.6K modem! All can be yours (if you go back in ...

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Photo realistic PSP made in Paint: Watch and learn, cuz this guy has got skillz

[ev type=”youtube” data=”eFV9-RuVYRU”][/ev] YouTube user RANDISALBION, displays his affection for PSP and his expert skills at drawing photo realistic images using nothing more than MS Paint. The four-minute video is a warp speed preview of how he made this impressively real paint drawing. With a soundtrack provided by A Perfect Circle’s “Orestes”. No doubt that this sped up 4 minute ...

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Beer launching fridge

[ev type=”youtube” data=”iqAzMSM-7o4″][/ev]   We have seen fridges that can defrost chicken and grow strawberries, but we have never encountered the one John Cornwell built, a fridge that can launch beers. Have you ever gotten up off the couch to get a beer for the umpteenth time and thought, “What if instead of ME going to get the BEER, the ...

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First ZunePhone commercial released!

[ev type=”youtube” data=”zPFu9ezddyk”][/ev] For only $9, the ZunePhone can be yours! It’s INCREDIBLE! And don’t forget about Microsoft Paint! Steve Ballmer’s excited, so we’re excited! AHHHHHHHH! Too bad its a spoof. We’d so shell out the nine bucks. Will the ZunePhone ever be a reality? Sure, right after the iPhone becomes established enough for the ZunePhone to be a failure. ...

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