Search Results for: flickr

So This is Christmas: The Nightmare Before Christmas LEGO-ized

I can’t attest to being a crazy The Nightmare Before Christmas fanboy, as I don’t think I’ve ever even seen the movie all the way through, but I always did love Tim Burton’s style. This film vignette captures that style pretty well despite the fact that it’s completely composed using LEGO bricks and accessories. Emulating the now iconic poster art ...

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Google Rubik’s Cube

It’s crazy. Google owns enough major real estate to easily fill up a Rubik’s cube with major tech logos. I mean, Google is, like, a really big deal. And not only that, some of my favorite brands period are represented. You’ve got Google major, you’ve got Blogger, Gmail, Google Calendar. They’ve built themselves quite a little empire, if you haven’t ...

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Super Mario Tote Bag

While I’ve been hesitant to display my love for plumbers ever since Joe the Plumber came along, there’s something about this Super Mario Tote Bag that seems completely harmless. Just a fun way to brandish my 8-bit pride. Not too mention it would go great with my awesomely sexy and manly Jedi Mario tattoo. Flickr user renatahashimoto says that if ...

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Periodic Table of Elements Cake

Ok, we’ve become slightly obsessed with the Periodic Table of Elements, so sue us. I mean, aesthetically, the thing is just gorgeous to begin with. 118 gorgeous boxes of chemical goodness. The design just fits anywhere. It works. It’s beautiful. Hell, it even makes itself right at home on a damned cake. And it looks delicious to boot. Now you ...

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Charlie Brown TIE-Fighter is Obscurely Nostalgic

I’m not quite sure why this combination works so well, but it just does. Take Charlie Brown’s round noggin’ and shove it between a pair of TIE-Fighter wings and you’ve got yourself a gadget of nostalgia ready for setting shop on your man cave’s mantle. Imagine being a member of the Rebellion and witnessing this thing flying at you at ...

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EyePod: The Anatomical Steampunk Cousin of the iPod

Something tells me the EyePod is the black sheep of the family. Created by the self-appointed “Dr Grymm,” the EyePod is actually a mod of an iPod Nano, so believe it or not, buried somewhere deep in that monstrosity, is a functioning portable media device. A custom mod of an Apple iPod Nano 1st Gen. The design is inspired by ...

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Transformers All Spark Xbox 360 Mod

Ya know, Transformers don’t just spring into action for the hell of it. There is a rhyme and reason behind electronics magically becoming animated. And that rhyme and reason is the All Spark, a glyph-covered cube capable of instilling life in inanimate objects. Flickr user givintats took the concept of the All Spark and ran with it for his All ...

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Marylinized Monsters

Take an iconic movie monster, add some neon color and Warholian-flair, and boom… instant pop art. These Marylinized Monsters by Jesse Lenz incorporate the iconic Warhol portrait of Marylin Monroe, or at least Marylin’s hair, into famous portraits of famous movie monsters. Link [via]

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LEGO Twitter Bird

While the iconic fail whale was already the willing victim of a full-on LEGO brick barrage, the Twitter bird had stealthy avoided the brick treatment. But no longer thanks to brick designer Fredo Houben, who took the Twitter bird design to the next logical level — LEGO sculpture. Link [via]

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Super Mario Pillows: Snuggle Up With a Goomba

There’s nothing I enjoy more on a frigid Jersey night than cranking up the heat, slipping on my Snuggie and cuddling with one the fluffiest pillow I can find. These awesome Super Mario Pillows would satisfy both my needs for comfort and geekiness, all in one fell swoop. These Mario, Bowser and Goomba pillows were created by Flickr user renatahashimoto, ...

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