We don’t think your boss would go for it in your work cubicle, but the Kit In Box is a cute little addition to your home office, as long as you keep the litter box on the other side of your home. Instead of a constant stream of incoming papers to your In Box, your work is replaced by your ...
Read More »Facebook Chat Chooses Teacher’s Pets, Gives Back To The VIPs
When Facebook announced that they would be rolling out their new Facebook Chat service, all that was said was that it would be rolled out very gradually to the public. What we didn’t know is that the social networking service was systematically rolling out the new service to their favorite group of Ivy Leaguer’s first. The first people who were ...
Read More »Mustache Comb Necklace: Jewelery For Italian Women
Fine, Italian women might not have bushy enough mustaches to comb, it’s just hard for us to imagine a man wearing this Mustache Comb Necklace. It seems like a fine investment if you’re in a business where you’re constantly in the public eye and need to have a perfectly groomed profile. The sort of job where you have to pencil ...
Read More »Hardware Porn: IBM Power 575 Supercomputer Melts Some Serious Face While Saving Power
A lot has changed since IBM was releasing room sized computers with PC sized 1 GB hard drives. So much so, that IBM has unveiled their Power 575 Supercomputer, which runs off of one of the world’s fastest microprocessors, the Power6, and relies on an innovative cooling system to keep from exploding. More impressively, it all seems smaller than that ...
Read More »World’s Largest Photo Album Shows High-Res Asian Cleavage
Since the people of Japan aren’t known for being the largest breed of humans, they sometimes have to compensate for their stature in other ways. Whether it be owning and expensive car, creating super strong robots, or designing the World’s Largest Photo Album. Japanese photographer Hitomi Toyama designed this 4m x 3m, 1000 kg photo album, titled “Women Of Vietnam”, ...
Read More »Elementeo: The Chemistry Card Game That Blinds You With Science
Every single object in our universe is composed of an infrastructure of elements, yet many children are not retaining the information which tells us the building blocks of the universe. Elementeo is a card game created by a 14-year old whiz kid, hell bent on teaching chemistry in an effective and fun fashion. Much like games such as Magic: The ...
Read More »Thanko Face Cooler Mask Also Saves You From SARS
The SARS panic might be years behind us, at least as far as pandemics go, but face masks are making a come back. I’m telling you. Don’t believe me? Check out this Cooling Face Mask from Thanko. Powered right from your USB port, the mask gives you 51-inches of breathing room. Go any further and you’ll be dragging your computer ...
Read More »Takata Steering Wheel Points You In The Right Direction
Most GPS units either come in the form of dashboard attachments or separate displays. The Takata CSW Steering Wheels teams up with GPS company Navigon to incorporate GPS interaction right into the display on the luxury wheel. The Takata wheel sits in sync with your entire car, attuned with most aspects, including your speed and gyros, which also works in ...
Read More »Pedal Powered Wheelchair: Cruel and Unusual
Adding pedals to a quadriplegics wheelchair is almost as cruel as trying to force them to dance to “These Boots Are Made For Walking”. In fact, adding pedals to any wheelchair seems pretty cruel, but studies have shown that in some instances, they can be beneficial to a patients rehabilitation. Getting the patients legs moving again can work wonders when ...
Read More »New York City With A Taste Of Niagara
How often do city dwellers get the chance to see a wonder of nature such as the waterfall? Not often enough. I live about 45 minutes from NYC, and I can tell you first hand that the city is magical. It has mostly everything someone could want, and then some. While Central Park provides tourists with a dose of greenery, ...
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