Aren’t you kinda sick of seeing some random company logo strewn across your very personal CD mixes? We know people put a lot of heart and soul into their mixes. It’s only right to have your own design on it a well. The Dymo DiscPainter prints 600 dpi graphics directly onto your disc in about a minute. The USB powered ...
Read More »Heinz Turbofan Toaster Is A Speed Demon, Makes Sure Toast Is Ready Before Beans Are Cold
� Apparently there is a problem in England. A serious one. You see, people just can’t go on eating baked beans without warm toast. Where is the humanity in that? No, we’re not kidding. And either is Heinz with their new Turbofan Toaster which promises to toast bread in 50 seconds flat. The use of titanium fans spinning at a ...
Read More »Tell Yourself Where To Go: GPS Starring Your Own Voice
Most GPS units come with a stock robotic voice which dictates directions to you in an awkward and mispronounced fashion. YourPND is a service which allows you to record your own voice, and than download the audio files to use for your GPS device. So far, the service only works for TomTom devices, but so many people who use GPS ...
Read More »Sony GPS unit adds a location to the image
As you sit and look through your old photos, your bound to come across a few that make you debate whether you are a flagrant alcoholic. Where the hell was this picture taken and why are my balls taped to my ass? Sound familiar? Anybody? Well, then. The Sony GPS-CS1KA GPS allows for you to add in a location to ...
Read More »Pizza Box PC Mod: One Desktop To Go, Please
Here is how we percieve this PC mods creation. One lonely, yet inexplicably charming computer nerd was sitting in his room, when all of a sudden he had a breakthrough. Let’s create a PC out of random crap I have strewn across my living space. Yeah, this old Little Caeser’s Pizza box will work just fine! Mmm, a leftover pepperoni. ...
Read More »Drumstick Pencil Serves As An Awesome Distraction
Admit it. When you used to do your homework, you’d drift off into space and find yourself tapping away with your pencil on a imaginary drum set. It’s ok. Everyone has done it, loser. These Drumbstick Pencil’s are specifically made for boredom-led drum solos. These pencils convert the eraser-end of the pencil to a drumsick head, making the imaginary experience ...
Read More »UbuntuBox: Worst Case Mod Ever, Hands Down
At first glance, this “case mod”, if you can call it that, looked like the box I carried my belongings off to college with. Look a little deeper and you see that this box is actually a working computer. The UbuntuBox has got to be the ugliest damn case mod of all time. Isn’t there some sort of reward for ...
Read More »The Whiz: For Women Who Want To Pee Like A Man
Not to be confused with the African-American rendition of The Wizard Of Oz, The Whiz is a gadget that allows woman to experience what its like to pee standing up. Being of the male persuasion myself, I never thought there was anything phenomenal about it, except for the apparent speed differences. Available in a number of colors, The Whiz is ...
Read More »Insulin Watch Will Keep The Sugar Pumping
As the rate of obesity grows, so does the number of people with diabetes.� After watching an 8 year old clunking around a bulky insulin pump, designer Nicole Schmeidel figured there had to be an easier way to administer the life-saving fluid. The fruits of her labor yielded this Insulin Watch concept, which not only keeps the insulin pumping, but ...
Read More »OMFG! Peter Jackson To Direct The Hobbit Movie
Excuse the lack of gadgetryness in this post, but holy shit. We haven’t been this excited since MacWorld. It seems that Peter Jackson and New Line have sorted out their disputes, and have settled on a contract that would put Jackson behind the camera for two films based on Tolkein’s The Hobbit. How awesome is that? We were afraid they ...
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