Search Results for: flickr

Halo-Themed Aquarium Forces Your Fish To Be Gamers

If you asked your fish to list its hobbies, the chances of gaming appearing on that list might be a stretch. The most gaming your fish has ever done is swimming real quick through the bubble blaster, maybe even being lucky enough to watch you slave away at Zelda for hours on end. If I was a fish, I might ...

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LEGO Terran Battlecruiser

Based on the iconic design of the Terran’s Battlecruiser unit in Starcraft, this LEGO brick piece of sci-fi gaming culture was created by Flickr user Jerac. Seeing the old Battlecruiser again brings back bittersweet memories. So much fun, so much time gone. Were all the wasted hours worth it? Just ask my competitors. Yo’ goin’ down Zerg-y-poo. Link [via]

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Steampunk Menorah

I have a dream. A modest dream when compared to that of Martin Luther King Jr., but a dream nevertheless. I have a dream that one day I’ll be able to live in a home that is fully-designed in the Steampunk fashion. From floor to ceiling, this home would be decked out in Victorian/Sci-fi goodness. And don’t think I would ...

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Full-Scale NES Cartridge Made of LEGO Bricks

I thought I had reached the epitome of geekdom when I managed to simultaneously play my NES system and build a LEGO creation, but man, I was wrong, as it usually the case. How many peeks of geekery has� their been in Gearfuse’s history? More than necessary. What was I thinking anyway? My actions could have been made exponentially geekier ...

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Nerdy Twitter Logos

Artist Adam Koford, also known as @apelad, created these Twitter logos with an even geekier spin. If Twitter changed their logo depending on the day, sort of like Google, they might create awesome icons like this. Head over to Buzzfeed for tons more.

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Boba Fett Potato Head

My favorite tube-shaped starch just got even cooler thanks to this awesome Boba Fett Potato Head expansion piece. Photographed by Flickr user Yodamann, the only way this could look any more tempting would be mashed and covered in butter and chives. Link [via]

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Arcade Game Expressionism

When geekism meets fine art, the results are usually breath-taking. Such is the case with Brock Davis’s Arcade Expressionism pieces, which reduce the 8-bit arcade images to their basic shapes and smudges. Above is Donkey Kong and after the jump you can spot Dig Dug and Missle Command.

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H2OmNom: Periodic Table Cupcakes

The tastiest set of atomic goodness was hard to find, but we might have just found the winner. These Periodic Table Cupcakes emulate the elements. Not only are they color-coded and educational, but absolutely scrumptious looking. Despite lacking the scientifically correct Lanthanoids and Actinoids (What? No Uranium?) we’d still down these baked smidgens of heaven like it were our job. ...

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Photos of Twitter’s New Headquarters

Check out Twitter’s new digs in the SoMa district of San Francisco. Not too shabby. Mostly designed by co-founder Ev Williams and his wife Sara, Twitter’s new headquarters is focused on minimalism, modernism and an odd fascination with deer. These photos and many more were lovingly uploaded at the official Twitter photostream on Flickr. Head over there to see the ...

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