Scary: Reverse Peephole Viewer

Hola, naked lady. I can see you through the holes in your door. Mwahahha. So, this Reverse Peephole Viewer is pretty scary business. Supposedly, this contraption was made for police officers, to make sure there are no hazards in a crack house they are about to raid. Of course there isn’t. *rolls eyes* Are the majority of people buying these ...

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USB flash drive wrist bands

Brando, perhaps the king of unique USB gadgets, presents this cool USB flash drive bracelet. The USB port acts as both the data transferrer, and the bracelet clasp. The wrist band is water shockproof and moisture proof, so you don’t have to worry about losing your data unless, say, you drown in the ocean. This is actually really cool because ...

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DIY: Dreamcast guitar

Remember the old Dreamcast console that kinda died out as soon as it was released? Well, if you happened to be one of the 30 people who bought one (we are so cruel) than you can make this Dreamcast guitar. Until now, we were pretty sure that guitars were supposed to have 6 strings. This only seems to have 3. ...

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Full scale Gundam scares the world

This 59 foot tall Gundam full scale replica is one beast of a fanboy art piece. This happens to be a completely scale version of the RX-78-2 Gundam, and looks like one accurate piece of work. Can you even imagine the amount of work and detail that goes into a project like this? But at least they have one cool ...

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Skateboaring to the next level

Curve Extreme Sport is a skateboard-like concept design aiming to start a new trend of extreme sport. The Curve uses tapered Motor GP-like wheels to allow boarders to take ultra sharp turns at high speeds. Since the wheel is so thin, there is minimal friction, which means insane speed. Unlike the traditional four-wheeled skateboard, the Curve only has two wheels, ...

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Unlock your iPhone for Cingular SIM cards

The iPhone has finally become unlocked, sort of. The good people over at Hacktheiphone have figured out how to use Cingular SIM cards, regardless of model or service plan, with the iPhone. The whole thing seems very risky. Using hacking skills on the iPhone’s IMEI, the feature that makes sure another companies service isn’t being used, could cause your iPhone ...

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Walmart’s $298 PC: No bloatware to speak of

Just in time for the back-to-school season, Walmart has started selling a $298 PC, the Everex IMPACT GC3502, which will come pre-installed with Microsoft Vista Home Edition and software provided by OpenOffice.Org, the open-source office suite. The system will come loaded with an 80 GB HDD, 1.5 GHz VIA C7 CPU, 1 GB of DDR-2 SDRAM, integrated graphics, and the ...

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NEC presents a bunch of concept phones at the WJ2007

NEC showed off 5 new concept phones at the WJ2007 conference. One or two of them we don’t know whether to talk into or stab to death with a rusty knife blade. We could swear one of them looks like it has fur, possibly even genitalia of some sort. Included concepts shown are the Telecam, the carpet and leather keypad ...

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Guitar Heronoid: The GH playin’ bot

Other than the cool robot factor, we don’t understand why you would want a Guitar Heronoid. Isn’t the point of the game to beat it yourself? If you want high score bragging rights, leaving it up to a robot seems like cheating big time. Though, in any case, this Guitar Hero robot is capable of mastering even the most expert ...

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