DIY: Motherboard PCB Bracelet

Who doesn’t love using their old computer parts in productive ways? This DIY project is a good way to strut your geek spirit. For those of you into wearing your geekary on your sleeve, you can make yourself a bracelet out of your old motherboard PCB. To make this you’ll need a drill and drill bits, a hacksaw, a file, ...

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Agricultural robotics leads to fruit-pickin’ machine

Vision Robotics’, a company who has been on the cutting edge of designing agricultural robotics, has finally released some 3D-ish renderings of what they have in mind for the future of farming. To take the jobs of an indeterminate number of immigrants, they present their Fruit-Picking Robot. In the past, mechanical farm help didn’t make things much faster than human ...

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It’s a wee Wii

Before you assume that this is just some cheap attempt at a pee pee joke, think again. This wee Wii is a very real product. This 7-inch Wii LCD from Japan’s Century is a way for the hoplessly addicted gamer to carry around their Wii wherever they go. We were under the assumption that most people like playing those active ...

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Giant’s hand makes iPhone look smaller

You’ve gotta love forced prospective. Apple sure does. To make the dimensions of the iPhone look smaller, it seems Apple has hired a big handed model to show off the iPhone in all of its static dimensioned glory. To our knowledge, the dimensional specs of the iPhone haven’t changed at all. Though the dimensional specs of the model seem to ...

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Will you marry my tea? The Ring Mug

The bond between a human and their tea is among the strongest that life has to offer. Whether it be herbal or leaf, if tea had a soul, we’d most likely marry it. For those who don’t care about your mug’s contents not carrying a single ounce of respiration capability, the Ring Mug unites you and your beverage in the ...

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Fedora Radiator does more than keep you toasty

Not only electronics are moving fast into the future, even simple home utilities are moving ahead. The Fedora radiator concept makes the radiator more than just a radiator. Using a special built-in cubby, you can lay your feet right inside of Fedora, for an ultimate foot warming experience. Which is really great for people without a fireplace. Not only can ...

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Dirty Don’s Margarita machine makes one mean brew

� While we don’t think we’d accept a mixed drink from someone named “Dirty Don”, we can’t help but love his creation of the Margarita Maker. Built over a trailer, the Dirty Don customed himself a 6 inch tall blender blade, mixed it with a small block 400 and other assorted parts, and created the fastest Margarita mixer ever created. ...

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Top 16 changes made to the iPhone interface since Jobs keynote

Since back in January when Steve Jobs first unveiled the iPhone, the interface has gone through changes that affect how the iPhone will look and act when it’s released. All in all the changes make it much more smooth and sleek in our opinion. Here are the most significant changes that will make a difference on what we see by ...

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Fly you to the moon: Personal space flight by 2012

EADS Astrium is a new jet being designed that could make space tourism very possible by 2012. It would cost a staggering �200,000 per ticket for only three minutes of weightlessness. The four-passenger jet looks like a pretty conventional airplane from the outside, but will make take you all that much higher. The Astrium will take off from conventional airports ...

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Data Matrix “Hello, World” in field causes PHP hootenanny

German programmer Bernd Hopfeng�rtner (say that 3 times fast) is one weird geeky cat. Using the visual code, data matrix (which was originally confused as Semacode), Bernd spells out “Hello, World” for all passerbys to see. As long as those passerbys happen to be flying. The 160 square meter coding artwork is encoded with a URL using the SDK provided ...

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