August will be here soon. Many of you are going to be leaving for *insert resort destination here* and are going to have to go through the hassle of putting a hold on your mail. But before you leap into that mayhem, check out this mailbox that comes with extra storage for your extended leaves of absence. The Mailmaster Store ...
Read More »How to use trash as furniture: The Non-Hobo Edition
Conservation. That’s what it’s all about, people. Using the resources you have so you don’t have to waste on other resources. This concept offers consumers an easy way to have furniture for their TV area, without having to run to Ikea. The unfortunately named designer of this project, Tom Ballhatchet, designed this packaging so that the cavities of the polypropylene ...
Read More »No More Moore: Peter leaves Microsoft for EA
Microsoft announced today that Peter Moore, head of XBox and video games for the company, has decided to resign from his post under Bill Gates’ ruling regime. Moore now sets his sails to the promised land, Electric Arts’ EA Sports brand. The image above shows Moore furiously throwing the XBox into a ceremonial pit of fire. Of EA Sports, Moore ...
Read More »Light Drop might keep you up at night
In our entire lives, we have only murdered 3 people because of an annoying dripping water faucet that drove us over the edge. Only three. Well, I think that’s pretty impressive. The Light Drop design by Rafael Morgan not only looks like a faucet, but the light bulbs are shaped like falling droplets of water. This wall mounted lighting source ...
Read More »iPhone gets a Dungeons and Dragons dice roller online app
How could it possibly get any geeky than this? The iPhone is pretty geeky all on its own, but more so in a trendy geek kind of way. But now it’s time to mix some nerdiness into the pot as well. D&D Roller is an online app for the iPhone which allows you to roll virtual dice. To be quite ...
Read More »Sharp eco-friendly street lights
Let’s all give Japan a round of applause for coming up with such great and seamless eco-friendly designs. These solar street lights from Sharp are just another example of the growing Japanese effort at global environmental reform. The Sharp models LN-LW3A1 and LN-LS2A1 save up to 1800 lumens of pure sun power, and then use that power to give the ...
Read More »GE Universal flip remote: Ugliest remote ever?
This GE branded universal remote control tries way too hard to be a cellphone. And not even a cool cellphone. But a cellphone from, like, 2002. This remote actually won a few innovation awards, because of its raised keys, interlocking rows, and external buttons. No offense GE, but this is one really, really ugly remote. Whoever awarded this remote with ...
Read More »Nokia n800 running Second Life
Those of you into hacking your mobile devices will be pretty amazed by this. Second Life resident Wrestling Hulka has hacked his Nokia n800 device to run a limited version of the Second Life platform. How limited is the software when running on a mobile device? Let’s put it this way. Hulka says that he can pretty much only IM ...
Read More »Lucy in the sky with flying windmills
Researchers have been working for decades to develop a productive use of one of Earth’s most renewable energy sources, the wind. The problem lies in having enough wind to power a large area of space. These flying windmills would fly at heights of 15,000-30,000 feet, and could easily supply enough power to everyone on the entire face of the Earth. ...
Read More »DIY: Make your own GPS cellular rotary phone
Rotary phones might have went out with prohibition, but that doesn’t stop people from tinkering with them. This project allows you to mod a rotary phone to work as a cellular device with a built-in GSM system, as well as a GPS device. The premise of this project lies in its connection to the GSM network and a Atmega 8 ...
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