Search Results for: beer

Robin Williams, Harrison Ford and Frogs

Nine times out of ten, when someone asks me what I consider important, I usually reply “beer” or “Cooler Ranch Doritos.” While those things are certainly an important aspect of life, I’ve got something a little funkier for you this time around. And to boot, it’s for a good cause. Everyone from Prince William to Robin Williams to Harrison Ford ...

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Microsoft Planning Zune Upgrade Program

Hey! You! Yes! All five of you! Come here. I have some good news for you. So remember when you guys all went and bought 30GB Zunes awhile back? Well I know they’re out of warranty now and all, but I just got this great tip from a friend. It seems Microsoft is going to let you trade in that ...

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Soap Knuckles – You Feelin’ Lucky?

It’s Friday and it’s 5:20pm. I’m about to head out to my birthday party in a bit. Do you want to stop me? Do you? Really? Well then try it, punk. I’ve got some knuckle dusters made from soap and I’m not worried in the slightest about breaking them on your head. Know why? I got two of these for ...

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Hey, Cheeseburger. You Feelin’ Lucky Today Punk? Well, Do Ya?

If you like your burgers “still mooing,” but hate having to hear the damn thing whining as you chew, just threaten the beef with this Condiment Gun. The burger will shut up eventually. Would any slab of meat want to mess with a man on the edge, holding a gun filled with his favorite condiment? I think not. Fill it ...

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Habitat: World of Warcraft Pod

Any avid WoW players living near Boston/Cambridge should swing by MIT and check out the World of Warcraft Pod. It’s a small shack, designed similarly to one you’d find in a game and designed with serious MMORPGers in mind. Inside is a toilet, seat, computer, water and food. But that’s not all: The WOW Pod is an immersive architectural solution ...

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Chug Meter: Measure Your Binge Drinking

Have $25 and drink a ton of beer at parties? Slap down a Lincoln and Jackson and pick up this Chug Meter glass. It measures how much you can chug in one shot, essentially showing the world that you’re either a beer drinking champion or a big pussy. Link

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Pipe Dream: Kozo Lamps

David Benatan, a Tel Aviv-based designer, created lamps made from pipes and other similar hardware. Check out the Kozo lamp, which features washers, nuts, pipes and faucets. And yes, you turn the lamp on and off using the faucet. Pretty damn cool if you ask me. Too bad they’re not readily available at the local IKEA or I’d run and ...

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Left 4 Dead Cosplay

Left 4 Dead is a smash hit, this is true. But the game has been out for awhile. How do you keep the idea of it fresh besides offering up DLC at random intervals? Easy. A photographer goes out with his friends and recreates scenes from the game. This photoset on Flickr has not only some of the most gorgeous ...

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Pocket Robot Brings The Fresh Style

The is the robot shirt with a style that’s more electrifying than a socket. If you think I should be shot for coming up with a shitty joke like that, then we’re on the same page. For $25, however, you can score this dual-robot shirt; there’s front breast pocket with a little guy waving and a larger version on the ...

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Afternoon Linkage for March 19th, 2009

You ever drink four cups of coffee at 8am? Yeah? When did you get off the toilet? Shoot your friends with beer One of the most creative iPod accessories yet Safari got its ass haaaaaacked Punch Out! is making a huge comeback A real ghostbuster Sony-Ericsson hops on the 8-megapixel phone bandwagon The world’s first color e-reader is out! Don’t ...

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