Obesity has become a epidemic in many of the world’s leading countries. That’s right, our dogs are huge! Our “time is money” culture gives us very little time to spend giving our pets the proper exercise they need. The Hyperdog Ball Launcher makes sure that your pets’ balls travel to a far distance (giggle). Providing your pet with a further ...
Read More »Sigma Hydrocephalic Telephoto Lens: Want some camera with your lens?
You might not have noticed because of its massive girth, but the Sigma 200-500mm lens actually has a camera connected to its huge mass. And it just goes to show you how incredibly huge this APO F2.8 lens really is. The EX DG is the first lens that offers a fast F2.8 aperture at a lens size of 500mm while ...
Read More »R2-D2 Mailboxes: May the postal service be with you
Such an odd turn of events. R2-D2 finally getting his props as more than just some beeping robot in Star Wars. These R2-D2 themed mailboxes will help celebrate the 30th anniversary of Star Wars this year, and will be spread across America. They might not be a very accurate depiction of the R2 unit, but then again, what could a ...
Read More »First detailed review of Sony video Walkman NW-A800
It was only a while ago when we first saw Sony’s new re-designed video plus MP3 Walkman, our friends in Japan have already gotten their hands on one of them, and gave us a really detailed review. Instead of leaving you to struggle with online translators, we’re biometric over here.
Read More »Robot reveals how fish first slithered to shore
Not much is known about the early evolution of our fishy ancestors and their quest to coming above water, leading to dinosaurs, and eventually us humans. Scientists believe they have come a step closer to understand how our fishy relatives might have “crawled” ashore, with the help of a salamander-like robot. The 33-inch-long robot was chosen to resemble a salamander, ...
Read More »Lost with no GPS? Get directions with nothing more than a camera phone
If you decided not to shell out the dough for Verizon Navigator, or some other equally useful GPS system, you might find yourself in a jam if you were to get lost ambling around a big city. At Microsoft’s annual TechFest, they displayed a new project which could save you the cost of a taxi fare or the risk of ...
Read More »Alarm watch that synchronizes with your biological clock
Don’t you just hate it when you wake up before the alarm clock rings, feeling refreshed, see the clock and decide that you should sleep a few minutes more, and by the time the alarm rings again, you are so deeply asleep that it feels so terrible being woken up that you wish you didn’t sleep that extra 5 minutes? ...
Read More »DIY: PSP PS2 Controller Mod
This mod, combining the PS2 controller with a PSP, is one that is sure to light a fire under the asses of Sony gaming fans. The mod took about two months to complete, in which time the modder “wanted to throw it out my window and watch it sail 15 floors down”. Though thanks to the help of his Research ...
Read More »Be a Wii-J and mash up some music with a Wiimote hack
[ev type=”youtube” data=”503C14RFphQ”][/ev] Here’s a really cool find. A guy who calls himself DJ ! (DJ Shift+1) has developed a way to hack into the Wiimote and re-map their functions to mod them into a music mixing device compatible with the PC. The video above shows the results of what can be created through a little created hacking. Catch the ...
Read More »K-4 Tetra Special Edition Gundam Razor
The Japanese are crazy for zany themed products. The K-4 Special Edition Gundam Razor is themed after the wildly popular Japanese series, Mobile Suit: Gundam. What do huge robots and razors have in common? Probably nothing. Do most Japanese mash ups show any rhyme or reason? Exactly our point. Give yourself a shave so close that only a giant robot ...
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