Zune Phone Confirmed! Should Mac be scared?

CrunchGear is reporting that a Zune phone is all but officially confirmed. The phone will supposedly have a top download speed of 2Mbps. Plenty fast enough for the XBox-to-Zune streaming that has been floating around the sphere. The mobile WiMax-enabled Zune Phone, will be fast enough for just about anything that users could want (within reason). The best part? The ...

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Air Genie: The flying, reflecting orb

Today must be the day of oddities. The Air Genie is a flying orb shaped screen which has video cameras built in to reflect it’s surroundings. We think that its some sort of ploy for advertising, kind of like the Goodyear Blimp, but extremely high tech. The diameter of the sphere is 115 feet with a massive volume of 792,764 ...

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Chimney in your room keeps your face aglow

We can never understand the obsession of humidifiers, when a lot of places need dehumidifiers otherwise the books are going to get mouldy and nasty. Isn’t dry weather great, or do you need to humidify your room in case the bushes get on fire? Perhaps the ladies can tell us more, because this is the market that this indoor water ...

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Quantum computer to debut next week

Here’s a hardware freaks dream. A living, breathing quantum computing device. Canadian company D-Wave announced that next week seems to be when the company has decided to spring it’s quantum computer on the, uh, eagerly awaiting public? We most likely wouldn’t of caught this article if the photography wasn’t as cool as it is. But once you start reading through ...

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Zune Hack: Extend the size of your Zune antenna

Interestingly enough, the number of Zune mods, hacks, and accessories has been substantially lower then the tech community originally would of thought. This Zune mod lets you extend your Zune antenna. By “extend”, the modder really adds some surface area to the antennas transmitter. How much stronger will this make your Zune’s signal? We can’t say, but guesses are that ...

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Dynamo LED mosquito repellant sounds cool, does it work?

Mosquito bites suck. There are no if-ands-or-buts about it. Aside from the possibility of contracting malaria or dingue fever, those bumps itch like hell. Leave it to the geeks to create a cool solution to this problem. The Dynamo Mosquito-Repellent LED Flashlight makes for a sweet flashlight, and it only costs $9. So the LED works great, you just turn ...

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Super Rub’a’Dub is game adapted from Sony ducky demo

Nostalgia is responsible for many people buying things they really don’t need. While the new game that will be released onto the Playstation Network is probably pretty fun, we can’t help but think that rubber duckies could have been replaced by some other item. You read right, that demo that everyone saw of the ducks getting poured into a small ...

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Pop-up Analog Joystick for cellphones

The reason a lot of us have never really got into the whole “cellphone gaming” thing is because of the lack of a decent navigation control option. How can you truly control a game with one hand and no mouse. Which is why this concept of a Pop-Up Joystick is such an interesting idea. Some people might think it’s just ...

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Guitar Hero coming to the Wii

So it’s finally been announced. Activision’s Guitar Hero, one of the most popular games of the last few years, is on its way to the Wii. The information given is very little since it was only briefly talked about in a conference call from Activision CEO Mike Griffith. All the details known for now are from Mike Griffith’s mouth: “The ...

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