Pro Viewer Binocular Camera: Now take photos while you peep!

Here is every 15 year old peeping toms dream. A set of binoculars that lets you take photos of whatever you happen to be staring at. Whether it be trees and nature or your neighbor’s window, the Pro Viewer gets the job done. The binoculars feature a 8x non-digital zoom and a 2.1 mega pixel camera with a resolution of ...

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65nm processors for the Xbox 360 pushed to mid-2007

If you were waiting for the Xbox 360 to drop in price, don’t hold your breath. One way that manufacturers are able to make their consoles less expensive is by reducing the size of the CPU die. Why does this allow for them to lower prices? Because they are able to fit more processors on a manufacturing run. Another small ...

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Hit the road (hard) with the Python XM Bianco laptop bag

When Booqbags came out with the Python XM Bianco laptop bag they were thinking about the egotistical adventurers who like taking their gadgets on the go and showing them off at the same time. This bag makes a statement with its white exterior and orange highlights; however it can back it all up with its spacious guts. Booqbags say that ...

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Pantech IM-S150 Phone: For when you want nothing less than Korean class

Pantech has announced it’s IM-S150, which seems to be geared towards the hipsters of Korea. Despite it’s resemblance in design to a slab of pavement from any typical American road, Pantech says that since design has become such an imporant focus of the mobile community, that this is there answer to the trendy line of designs being released. On the ...

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Robots take over Chicago State University Library

Well they didn�t really take over the entire library; they merely took over the jobs of librarians and the hassles of students. Students no longer have to search through the massive stacks of books to find that obscure book their philosophy teacher asked them to pick up. Every book, CD, and DVD in the library are tagged with a radio-frequency ...

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White PS3 going for $1,500+ on eBay

And you thought that the people getting pink and orange Zunes were lucky… Well, the person who opened their box and found a white PS3 doesn’t really exist, so don’t fret. This white PS3 was homemade, well, home painted is more like it. PS3Center actually took the time to take their brand new PS3 apart, painstaking paint the black components, ...

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Solid metal pen gives you reason to never worry about ink again

This pen is just a hunk of metal alloy molded to look like a pen. Why is this significant? Because it does exactly what a real ink pen does: writes on paper. It doesn’t leave the same type of mark that an ink pen does, this pen’s marks cannot be erased or smudged! At only $30, it’s a bargain, and ...

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DigitalXtractions creates Ultimate Outdoor Webcam

Webcams can now join the list of gadgets that can be solar-powered. DigitalXtractions just came out with the Ultimate Outdoor Webcam, also called SCIRC t1, which comes with solar-power and internet connection capabilities. There are optional solar panels you can buy to get your energy from the sun, so you can webcam and tan at the same time; you know ...

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ModeLabs release Eco-Friendly cellphones

With everyone worrying about the environment and global warming, it�s amazing that people just started going on the environment craze with cell phones. There are 3 new phones that Modelabs just released: the YoYo, U-Turn, and Runaway, which are all designed to have the least amount of impact on the environment. The phones are made to pull power from the ...

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