Insider: SonyEricsson going kinky with hinges

We’ve seen straight phones and bi (dual hinge) phones, we’ve seen slider phones and swivel phones. Having informally stating that they’re giving up on swivel phones (not forever, hopefully), SonyEricsson is said to be working on yet another form factor. Supposedly the newly designed hinge will do what the W44S can do, i.e. landscape and portrait viewing, but shredding off ...

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Have Clocky force you out of bed in the morning

Are you one of those people who hit the snooze button 5 times before finally getting up, only to realize that you are now going to be late for work? Well if that sounds like you, then maybe Clocky is right for you. Clocky is simply a robot clock; if you press snooze more than once, Clocky will drive off ...

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Genuine Creative SE2300 Wireless Headphones; No wires!

Well if you didn�t get the Borat innuendo in the title, sucks for you; Anyways, Creative just came out with the SE2300 Wireless Headphones. These headphones are perfect for those of you who just happen to somehow get all tangled up every time you dance to your iPod; that could be the fact that you can�t dance, but for this ...

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The next USB accessory: a noodle strainer

With all these USB accessories that seem to be popping up like mad lately, most can be separated into either the nifty category (i.e. USB shaver) or the stupid but funny category (i.e. humping dog USB); however, the USB noodle strainer has to be put in its own category: absolutely stupid. It�s supposed to make soumen noodles for those nerds ...

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New Shiro MP3 player: Music, Pictures, and Videos, oh MY!

Nowadays, it seems as if everyone�s music library is growing exponentially, and so those iPod Nanos with their set memory just don�t cut it. That�s where Shiro comes in with its new mp3 player, the MY. The newest mp3 player in Shiro�s lineup has an edge over most mp3 players these days: it has an expandable memory card slot, with ...

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Mercedes new S Class S600 convertible: Concept of cool

Just released today, concept photos of the new S600 Mercedes convertible. This thing just looks like fluid, like pure, aerodynamic, and sleek mayhem. And we mean mayhem in the very best sense of the word. The transformation from sedan to convertible makes the S600 versatile. Put the top up for class, and put it down for coolness and fun. A ...

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Sentry In-Floor Safe: Put the goods right under the thieves nose

Forget the boring custom of hiding your stuff in a safe behind a painting. Protect your possessions with the Sentry In-Floor Safe. You can trust us in saying that some two-bit criminal is not going to have the mental capacity to check under his feet for something of value. They’re going to want to grab what they can and run. ...

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Buffalo BOMU-SL leaves mouse clicks in the past

So maybe you enjoy playing your favorite game, World of Warcraft, at night when no one is watching over your shoulder. Or maybe you have someone living in your place with you and they go to sleep way too early. If you ever feel the need to have a mouse that will allow you to never hear the click click ...

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Mozilla releases Firefox with security & Vista updates

Mozilla has released an update for the best browser in the world: Firefox! The update version is and as you might guess by this minute version change, not too much has visibly changed in the browser. There have been some security updates that fix some bugs Firefox has. The update has also added Microsoft Vista support (save for a ...

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Live in style in Duke’s Smart House

Loved the idea of college but hated the thought of living in dorms, or even worse, frat houses with their raging parties 24/7? Well if you did, you should work your butt off and try to get accepted to Duke University so you can live in the newly designed Smart House, funded by Home Depot. Starting in fall 2007, 10 ...

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