Japanese network operator Willcom has announced the JRC WX220J this morning. The phone is nothing compared to the 20 phones you saw from AU KDDI and NTT DoCoMo 2 weeks ago, however the WX220J retains a really retro (20th century) design and stripped off everything fancy. The WX220J is targeted towards companies that use the PBX standard for their indoor ...
Read More »Robot Nurses: The future of hospitals and strip clubs
Hospitals have become plagued with staff shortages, which results in more work for the current staff, and longer waits for us patients. Scientists think that the future of medicine lies in the hands of robotics. Prototypes have already been used in hospitals, but soon the technology community sees robotics taking even a stronger hand in medicine…with robotic nurses. The IWARD ...
Read More »“You’re Beautiful, Mac” sings some girl on YouTube
[ev type=”youtube” data=”zsqi2QHXaFI”][/ev] To be blunt (haha we too can make James Blunt puns), this video is purely agonizing. Not only do we HATE that damn song that was on the radio constantly for 6 months, but the woman’s voice (no offense because you’re pretty hot) leaves something to be desired. I could see it starting as a good idea. ...
Read More »Cylinder Ping-Pong Table looks like it would be fun for about 5 minutes
We’ve seen our share of cool Ping-Pong tables. No doubt that the Cylinder Ping-Pong Pipe Table is a hell of a design. But how long could the novelty driven fun really last? Yes, it would make a nice looking center piece for your penthouse. Yes, it would most likely be a fun time to spend a few minutes. But the ...
Read More »HCID Gloves to give soldiers hands on control
One thing that has always limited the soldiers of the military is that they always have to be attached to their weapon. There is never really any true and full concentration on other matters when your toting around an automatic weapon. Handwear Computer Input Devices (HCIDs) might be the future of militiary strategy and safety means. The HCID will let ...
Read More »New Japansese PSP commercial has Kung-Fu style
[ev type=”youtube” data=”ujio_VSwj5U”][/ev] Sony has released this commercial for the Japanese market. Are dwindling PS3 sales in Japan scaring Sony? The commercial is a cool little parody of Japanese martial art films mixed with modern gaming technology. Tell us what you think! — Andrew Dobrow Sony Releases new Japanese PSP Ad [TechEBlog]
Read More »Nao Tamura concept phone for KDDI freezes hell over
Concept designs are what make us all wish that the artists would keep to themselves until the products were ready to be launched. This is exactly the case with the concept phone for KDDI by Nao Tamura. With a completely transparent shell, this phone lets you see innards, all of ’em. In addition, because the hardware is completely silver, the ...
Read More »Origen S21T case has built in 12″ display
If you do not have enough room on/under your desk for both a computer and a monitor, you are in a truely crunched position. But because this is a situation that a few people have found themselves in, the Origen S21T HTPC case fits. One small point to make: if you are that cramped in a space, please don’t buy ...
Read More »Next-gen MacBook Pros to have brighter and crisper displays
Rumors are flooding through the Mac grapevine. AppleInsider is reporting that industry insiders are confirming the production of LED backlit MacBook Pros, marking Macs transition away from CCFLs (cold cathode fluorescent backlights). As of now, plans for LED integration are only for the 15-inch series. The 13 and 17in series’ are still under consideration, but seem like an inevitable addition ...
Read More »Horse head pillow: A horse is a horse, of course, of course. But not if the horse is a decapitated horse
Nothing says “I love you, Mom” quite like a stuffed, decapitated horse head. This Kropserkel designed stuffed throw is reminiscent from the old Godfather movie where to get even with a movie producer, Don Corleone has a mobster cut off the head of one of his prize horses and puts it into his bed for a nice morning surprise. Not ...
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