APC-20000 mobile charger: Pump up your phone battery 20 times more

We cannot live without batteries, just face it, they’re never enough. The laptop has to shut down when you’re engaging in the best IM conversation, the PSP has to go off when you are about to fight the boss, your phone has to die when the call you have been waiting for the whole day arrives. Here’s a little gadget ...

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Save space with Casio XJ-S30/S35 Projector

Korea just got blessed by Casio with the release of the XJ-S30/S35 projector, which is super slim and super sleek compared to its predecessors. This new projector fits into places you never thought possible and consumes less energy than its over-sized competitors. The XJ-S30/S35 projector is perfect for that home entertainment system you wanted to buy, except now you don�t ...

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iTWYF gloves for portable electronics control in the cold

iTWYF, or I Touch With Your Fingers, is such a good idea we can’t believe it hasn’t been done already. The iTWYF is gloves that make controlling and navigating your portable electronics easier in the cold, for those times where only REO Speedwagon is the way to get your mind off the frigid temperatures, but without the frost bitten fingers. ...

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Samsung SPH-B5800 gets you there quick

With more cars being put on the road daily (and even worse drivers…if that’s possible), you’ve got to expect more traffic. More traffic calls for alternative routes. How to you determine whether you need a new route? The Samsung SPH-B5800 lives to serve. With it’s T-DMB TV technology with real time traffic information, you’ll never have to wait in traffic ...

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PS3 supply to exceed demand

Things have not been going good at all for Sony recently. The PS3, which was one of the most, if not the most, highly anticipated gaming consoles ever to be released has entered a serious slump. Marketing trends and sales are showing a bleak prediction for the future of the PS3 system. On the initial date of release, the PS3 ...

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A machine that plots graphs to show how fast you are gaining weight

We  really have no idea what the inventor was thinking about, when we’re having image problems we already feel bad enough about ourselves and the last thing we need is a machine to rub it in! Tanita is going to start selling this weight measurer that not only tells you how overweight you are, but also your body fat content, ...

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Bill Clinton’s worst nightmare: the Tofu-making ricecooker

Remember how Bill is more scared of Tofu than scandals? Well, Toshiba’s new ricecooker might just as well be his worst nightmare. No more take-aways, now you can make tofu, cakes, congee and goo-y dessert with just one ricecooker. You are just one button away to the indulgence of Asian food- through trial and error of course. Apparently a lot ...

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2007 will be a year of phone geek Buffet, says AU KDDI

You know how the Japanese mobile business works, it’s really different from the rest of the world. Operators in Japan take the lead in product development, they decide what should be included in the new series, out-source the development to manufacturers and then buy in the phones as OEMs. (To read more, try the link quoted below) Since the Mobile ...

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Iomega releases Apple-esque external hard drives

Aren’t they pretty? You might be wondering, �What are they?� And hopefully you can tell that, by the Iomega logo on these bricks, that they are (not zip drives) some very Apple-ish hard drives! These two external storage devices are for Mac owners only, and why would a Windows user want such beautiful drives anyways? One can only wonder. The ...

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iSkin Keyboard Protector saves your Mac from crumbs and water

What would you do without a keyboard? It is possible to function only with a mouse; Windows does have a keyboard emulation software built in, but it is neither pretty or fun (forget productive). The keyboard is one of the essential parts of your computer, so why do we thrash them so? We eat at our desks and spill crumbs ...

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