Opera on Wii, Dec 22

First it’s (M)opera on your cellphone, then it’s Opera on your DS, now it’s Opera on your Wii, and the beta version just made it before Christmas. The browser will be downloadable on the Wii Shop Channel from Dec 22 for free. We can’t wait to see how well this thing renders “street html”, and how much work out it ...

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SonyEricsson’s single-hinge-dual-flip W44S received positive review

Most of the phone lovers must have seen this before. SonyEricsson’s W44S, the biggest breakthrough in terms of form factor after they came out with swivels. The question is, is this a branding gimmick or is the design any practical? One thing for sure is that it does look funny, and not everybody would like it. Some hardcore Sony fans ...

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Wii controller prototypes: Thank the gaming gods for the Wiimote

This picture, which was snatched from the inner depths of the official Nintendo forums, is a scanned photo from Japanese magazine (Japzine?), Nikkei Business, which features some of the early prototype models for what became the Wiimote. We’ll be the first to say, “Thank you oh mighty gaming God, for not bestowing upon us these horrendous looking controllers!”. That orange ...

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Clean your clothes through the power of UV

Cuddles the Bear might be out of business if this contraption ever sees the light of day. Get it? Light? Ha…ha…nothing? By the year 2020, you might have a UV Cleaner very similar to this one pictured, right in the comfort of your home. We all know that one of the annoyances in life is remembering to bring your suit ...

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BluOnyx: Everything to everyone?

What if you could store all your data in one place, and access it anywhere – TV, desktop, laptop, cellphone? That’s the question chipmaker Agere is asking with the BluOnyx, which they describe as a “mobile content server”. The device is the size of a credit card, though thicker (think iPod size), and is equipped with Bluetooth and USB connectivity ...

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Optimus Mini 3 can now connect to each other, so what?

We all know that it’s beginning to fall into the world of vaporware. It’s the list of products that never appear, the Gizmondo is such an item. The Optimus Keyboard. The supposed full OLED, full color keyboard that has recently been announced to cost around $1,200. If that is the true price, not only will the creators not make any ...

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Electric Party Refrigerator: keep drinks cold anywhere

Pool parties are really fun until that igloo cooler that holds 6 drinks is empty and you have to go back in the house, soaking wet, just to get 6 more drinks. The Electric Party Refrigerator will remove the worry of ruining that expensive hardwood floor; this portable refrigerator can hold massive amounts of drinks right where the party is ...

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Microsoft releases Zune firmware update 1.2

The new trend in mobile devices is the ability to update firmware. While firmware updates aren’t exactly a new concept, more and more companies are taking the responsibility of fixing bugs and adding features as users request them. The Microsoft Zune is one of these devices capable of updates, and the new version of its firmware was just released. Users ...

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MGS4 IS PS3 exclusive, internet rumors wrong again

For all of you Playstation fanboys, stop freaking out at the internet rumor that was going around stating that Metal Gear Solid 4 was going to be released on the XBox 360 as well as the PS3. Direct from Konami: “Konami has no plans to bring Metal Gear Solid 4 to the Xbox 360 at this time,” a Konami representative ...

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DVDs on-the-go: the “Most” Portable Handheld DVD Player

The problem with all those portable DVD players is that they can be clunky and very easy to break when you are traveling. However, the problem is solved with the Portable Handheld DVD Player. This paperback-sized DVD player contains a 4.2 inch monitor which delivers a sharp, clear picture which is held in an ABS plastic case that is covered ...

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