Ok, so maybe a subwoofer can�t go on a diet, but Pioneer is thinning up one of their latest subwoofers. Think of the TS-SW2541D subwoofer by Pioneer as the Jared (from subway) of subwoofers. This bad boy can now fit into places subwoofers were never meant to go. Why, you might ask? Well, it�s because this subwoofer only needs 3 ...
Read More »ZVOX 325: surround sound packed into a box
Everyone is buying big LCD TVs these days, and many want to go the whole 9 yards with a new sound system that complements their TV. The only problem is that if you want to complement a new TV, you have to go with surround sound, and that means speakers all over your living room. Until now that is. ZVOX ...
Read More »JBL Reference Series Bluetooth headphones, pure amazement
These are beautiful. That isn’t the only complement you will read about these amazing headphones, so get ready. First, the looks. They are designed so well and they seem to attract eyeballs no matter what. The curves all over the place seem like they might be too much, but in the end it all just fits. These are the Reference ...
Read More »Ditch that DSLR viewfinder with the Zigview S2
It’s one of the sacrifices that must be made to be a full convert to the DSLR ways: losing the live LCD preview. Using a DSLR means looking through the viewfinder, unless you are so talented that you can perfectly place your subjects in the right frame without even looking at a preview. If that is you, then you don’t ...
Read More »Solid Year webcam keyboard combines tech in more odd places
Have you ever wanted to talk and stare into your keyboard instead of those darn mics and webcams? Probably not, but if so, this new Solid Year Keyboard (ACK-2230UMSP, how bad can you get at product names?) is definitely for you. This keyboard combines text, audio, and video all into one simple device. With a fold out little stick type ...
Read More »ASUS Lamborghini VX2 notebook, for rich racers only
Maybe you caught them during the keynote, maybe you never watched it to begin with. Either way, these new laptops will make heads turn for sure. They were shown during Bill Gate’s opening keynote speech for CES 2007, but just for a quick second while scrolling through the rest of Vista compatible laptops that will be released alongside with the ...
Read More »Venturi Eclectic: The world’s first energy self-sufficient car
Venturi has announced its concept car, for now named Eclectic. A fully self-sufficient and autonomous energy vehicle that gets fuel from only natural occuring processes. The solar, wind, and electric powered Eclectic is being designed to make hybrid cars look like a truck with a broken exhaust pipe in comparison. With its 2.5 meters of photovoltaic cells, at least one ...
Read More »i.Sound Plasma iPod Speaker System brings the effect
Staring at this plasma globe brings back memories from middle school science class and how ridiculous people looked when they touched one of these things. Their hair standing at attention. At one point or another, when we were all kids, we all dreamed of owning one of these things. With images filling our heads of dreams of fun filled hours ...
Read More »Ultra-light Jensen SportFones headphones
Lugging an iPod or other wired device to a gym or on a hike can be a disastrous situation. It seems that your focus lies more on keeping the headphones plugged into the device then on your exercise, which can lead to exhaustion and even injury. The Jensen SportFone’s have a built in 512MB MP3 player. A perfect amount of ...
Read More »Altoids Can Morse Code Oscillator: Go beep yourself
Here’s a pretty cool little DIY idea from some guy on the Hacked Gadgets forum. For whatever reason, he has made a Morse Code Oscillator out of an Altoids can. It’s usefulness is questionable and it’s appearance is interesting, to put it nicely. The maker of the Oscillator says there is still problems he’s working out, such as an over ...
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