1″ Mini Cube pocket USB drive holds 12GB

How many times have you wanted to transport 12GB of photo’s off your computer to show your distant relatives how much your kids have grown? God knows we’ve all been there! The A-Data Mini Cube pocket USB drive, allows us to carry 12GB of data around with us in a cool looking little square that looks slick enough to even ...

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IBM, wanted for the murder of flash

With flash memory as the leading source of memory along with the conventional RAM, it’s a wonder more companies haven’t dipped their fingers into the memory cookie jar. Along with other next-gen memory prototypes, such as MRAM, IBM has announced it’s working prototype named, phase-change memory (PCM). IBM states that PCM has the capability of being 500 times faster then ...

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WiiSaber – Mac users, the force is with you

For all of you envious of the legendary Jedi Guy videos, the Mac users among you might now be able to live out your dream. The application, WiiSaber, turns your Wiimote into a fully functional light saber, which you can swing and attack with as if you were a Jedi in training. Those of you who remember the MacSaber, which ...

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D-Link Wireless Pocket Router gives you wireless where it wasn’t

We’ve all been there. You show up at a relative’s house for some holiday (you’d much rather be somewhere else), you bring your laptop in hopes of connecting to AIM, and when you arrive, no wireless. They do have the internet, but you would have to sit at their tiny desk in order to plug the ethernet into your laptop. ...

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52-in-1 with Bluetooth, who knew there were 52 cards?

So, did you know that there are 52 different media card formats floating around out there? Neither did we. That’s because, in a practical sense, there aren’t. Technically, there are, but that’s counting stuff like CF I, CF II, Extreme CF, Extreme III CF, Ultra II CF, HS CF, XS-XS CF, CF Elite PRO, CF PRO, CF PRO II (those ...

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Tropical paradise on the steppe

By next Christmas Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, will be under a giant, permanent tent. Astana was not even the capital of Kazakhstan until 10 years ago, when President Nazarbayev decided to move it from Almaty. Astana, the new capital, is in the central steppes, where temperatures reach -30C in winter. The new tent will change all that. Covered in ...

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Adam Kalkin has designed a unique and interesting house. The house itself is a rather ordinary two-story house, but what makes it interesting is that it’s completely surrounded by a large industrial shed. The shed was constructed around the house in 2001, and the interior was set up as an extended living space, with a variety of furniture, multiple levels, ...

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Firefox 3.0 alpha “Gran Paradiso” already available for download

Shouldn’t Mozilla be spending their time fine tuning Firefox 2.0 before letting outlandish future projects get in the way? Of course they should, but in today’s lightining speed internet world, the name of the game is more, more, faster, more productive, more, more. So for those who love getting their hands on early software, here’s a little 3.0 goodness to ...

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Greenhouse’s USB ashtray, smell the fresh air!

Tired of people picking on you for your disgusting and lung damaging habit? Smoker’s are in for a treat this holiday. This Christmas, do you and you’re family a favor and ask for one of these for your stocking. For a mere 500 yen ($4 and change), treat yourself to a gift that keeps on giving. Pop this baby in ...

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Fujitsu announces 300GB 2.5″ hard drive

With a capacity like this, that’s a crap load of pirated movies you could fit on this thing! The announcement of Fujitsu’s 300GB 2.5″ hard drive, notebook owners can soon have as much storage space as most desktops on the market. There’s no estimated price in the press release, but we are guessing it’s going to be something like $2000, ...

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