Ideazon Gaming Keyboard, Feel The Butterfly!

Ideazon might not be a “well-known” name in the tech macro world, but heavy gamers (and by heavy I don’t mean obese) might know them from their Zboards which come with custom key placement for specific games. Though for those who would rather not have to buy a new layout everytime they bought a new game, Ideazon also offers a ...

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HTC Vox: The smartphone with sliding QWERTY

Most electronic companies would shudder at the thought of putting a clunky QWERTY keyboard onto one of their productive and sleek smart-phones, pompous jerks. But with the first details (well actually rumors) coming in about HTC’s Vox is that it will come sporting a full slide-out QWERTY keyboard, which from the pictures, actually looks to be a nice little addition, ...

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Panasonic camcorders go HD

In an attempt at stealing some of the HD market (and I guess at producing crappy movies?), Panasonic has joined the HD club by announcing their two new HD camcorders. For those who love the Panasonic brand of personals camcorders, but also have always wished to analyze the pores in their children’s faces, can now have the brand recognition they’ve ...

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Don’t get lost again with PSP GPS

The GPS Receiver for the PSP will launch Thursday in Japan, for a price of $60. Why do you want GPS on your PSP? Because you keep getting lost walking aimlessly around the world while playing your PSP, of course! Wait, you don’t get lost walking around the world? Well, then you could Geocache! Have fun playing your PSP while ...

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New Standard Keyboards aim to undo QWERTY

This new keyboard definitely confuses for a second. It is the New Standards Keyboard created by John Parkinson because “things that make no sense have always bugged me.” At first glance, this looks even worse than a QWERTY keyboard, but when you study key placement, it actually makes some sense. All of the alphabet keys are in alphabetical order, the ...

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MadCatz Wii component cable

It’s a sad day when we have to report that a third party is manufacturing component cables. MadCatz has started making its own component cables for the Wii, a timely response for the Nintendo shortage. Right after the Wii launch here in America, Nintendo reported that it had sold all of its component cables, a necessary accessory for a console ...

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US shoe stores to try 3D footsize imaging

What do you do when you need to try out your new technology? Test it on innocent children’s feet, of course! Stride Rite, the leading retailer of children’s shoes in the US has began to use a 3D gauge for sizing feet that is designed for measuring highly accurate measures. The gauges were installed in three Boston area stores after ...

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The perfect gamers case is created

Take a good look at that picture. Let it all soak in. Mmm yeah, that’s good. This homemade rack (which you too can create with enough time) has a DVD player, a cable box, a PS3, an XBox 360, a Wii, an XBox, and a TiVo shelved down its center. It even has a custom LED computer cooling fan on ...

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NASA finds evidence of water on Mars

New photographs compared to older photographs of Mars’ surface show evidence that water once flowed, or still does flow on the Red Planet. The Mars Orbital Camera shows deposits like would be seen from a stream of water or urine, but the lack of life proves otherwise. The Surveying Camera has taken hundreds of photos of craters and gullies that ...

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Meizu MusicCard: Sleek meets slim

Things are really starting to get exciting in the tech world, do you realize that? With the creation of the MusicCard, we will all now be able to own MP3 players, only slightly thicker then the average credit card and about the same length. The next step of electronic and personal identification is on it’s away. I can smell the ...

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