So after a day of praising all things Apple, it�s time to start looking at CES again; everyone gets a little sick of Apple after a while. When it came to pass that Polaroid would start making mp3 players, everyone�s expectations were not high. However, with the release of the MPA-2011, critics have started to change their minds and are ...
Read More »ePlate has potential to tell that person what you really think
Technology is coming into every portion of our lives, and so it (technology) thought it would be good to �upgrade� our license plate frames. EPlate is a license plate frame that has an LED screen on the bottom, with the ability to store 250 scrolling characters. When you push (or slam) on the brakes, the LEDs will light up and ...
Read More »FlexMedia animated electroluminescent signs
Although not the most useful of products displayed at CES, the FlexMedia animated signs are pretty cool looking. The name of the product pretty much says it all. They are animated posters that are flexible and thin. Using the superpowers of EL (Electroluminescent), the FlexMedia signs look like they could be a nice replacement to the drab days of non-animated ...
Read More »TransDock is ultimate dock for a car
So as most of you know, today was Macworld and it seems like everything being discussed revolves around the iPod; well here is yet another iPod gadget for your viewing pleasure. The Transdock by DLO is an iPod dock for your car that will basically do the same thing as many other iPod docks, except that this does more. Yes, ...
Read More »Anshin-Navi GPS phones for the kiddies
Japan’s second largest mobile operator AU KDDI announced 3 new phones this morning, but we are more interested in their upgraded service “Anshin-Navi”. The Sanyo A5525SA and Sweets Cute phones are targeted to young kids. Their parents can subscribe to the Anshin-Navi service which automatically detects the phone’s location by GPS, and check it on their phones or PCs. What’s ...
Read More »Macworld: Axiotron Inc. releases ModBook, the first Mac OS X tablet computer
Axiotron has released the first ever tablet computer that runs Mac OSX (you know, the OS that the iPhone has on it). It was rumored that a Mac tablet would be unveiled, and that it wouldn’t be Apple that did it; these rumors have turned out to be true. Here is some interesting information that the press release contains: The ...
Read More »Philips� new DVD players compatible with iPod
Philips� has decided to follow along in the iPod craze, even if it looks that things might start switching to the iPhone. The new DVD players, the DCP750 and the DCP850, will have a built in iPod cradle and a DVD/CD drive, so you can either watch illegal movies on your iPod or legal ones with the DVD player. On ...
Read More »Ford looks to imitate the Jetsons with Airstream Concept
Who knows what Ford was thinking when they decided to design a car based on the old Airstream trailers, but they came out with the Airstream Concept anyways? This car is powered by a plug-in hydrogen fuel cell system call HySeries Drive. What�s ironic, however, is that Ford is actually going to use an electric motor as the main power ...
Read More »Macworld: Chestnut Hill George iPod dock lives up to expectations
Remember that post about the Chestnut Hill Sound George iPod dock? Well, after testing out some of its features quickly today, it has lived up to be what it has been rumored to be. There are additional capabilities that were not mentioned before. Primarily, the best feature is that it is completely firmware upgradeable. They have said that they are ...
Read More »Macworld: New Rhinoskin Macbook Hardcase, slick and well designed
At the Rhinoskin booth today, they we’re showing off their nice new iPod cases, but of couse, there are so many iPod cases already released that they needed something else. They definitely had that something else. The new Macbook Hardcase looks very nice with it’s hard ABS plastic outer shell that looks as if it’s an army ready to fight ...
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