Being a gamer and not having great quality sound is like listening to the radio in a domed metal room. Sure you can hear it, but you have to strain to make out the details. Many people would suggest that surround sound speakers are the answer, but your typical model is clunky and expensive. Turtle Beach has released its Earforce ...
Read More »Hummel 8.4 PIO FGX Football Boot, spiritually unique to your foot
Let’s face it. Sport’s has never been a forte of us geeks unless you’re talking about air hockey. What could we possibly do with a football boot? For one, we can admire its grasp of footwear technology. Hummel’s newest model of football gear, the 8.4 PIO FGX football boot, is a truly personalized fit. Using soft-foam technology, the shoe can ...
Read More »City puts LEDs in street lights
A special city in the US has replaced some of its street lights with LED lights. What city might this be you ask? Well it happens to be Ann Arbor, Michigan, home of the famous University of Michigan Wolverines. Why are they so famous? Well, they just got demolished by USC (go Trojans!) in the Rose Bowl on January 1st ...
Read More »Predicta�s Meteor TV is �different�
Lately it seems like every TV that comes out on the market is bigger than its predecessor, and should have the ability to be hung on a wall. Now many people are really jumping on the bandwagon here with this design, but some people don�t want to have half of their wall covered by a TV, so they have to ...
Read More »Seiko MuPass gives you variety in the mornings
Everyone knows how annoying it is to be woken up by that stupid repetitive beeping you alarm clock makes at 5:30 in the morning. All this does is start off your day wrong; a sure sign that your day is going to go down hill fast. Now if you woke up to some of your favorite tunes, then you�d probably ...
Read More »New iLuv i201 ear clip headphones: cheap and nice looking
Many people have tried the ear clip style of headphone. They are really interesting for about a half an hour, until you realize either that they are the reason you ears hurt, or that everyone is staring at those alien looking things in your ears. If the new iLuv i201 headphones can overcome those obstacles, they probably have a good ...
Read More »Are you a Guitar Hero? Xbox 360 game info here.
Those guys over at Team Xbox have gotten quite lucky and snagged some official images of the box and guitar bundle for the Xbox 360 version of Guitar Hero II. Guitar Hero II was (and still is with the recent release of version II) a phenomenon like DDR for the PlayStation 2 when it came out. It seems that these ...
Read More »Want Gran Turismo HD with realistic driving and wheel? Sorry
According to Sony, the dream of actually having force-feedback in driving games will never come to full bloom. Partial bloom won’t happen either. So why will force-feedback never arise? It’s all to blame on that damn Sixaxis controller which does not have a rumble function. All PS3 games are programmed for the SIXAXIS which doesn’t have force feedback, therefore the ...
Read More »It’s a piece of heater: Greenwood’s 38mm thin GMP-150
Not every house has a central heating system, in fact, not everybody likes central heating. It makes your skin dry, it hikes up your power bill and it gets the whole house stink. The reason why we don’t like heaters too much is mainly because of their shapes and sizes. Greenwood Japan has started selling their minipanel heater that can ...
Read More »The Z84Jp: ASUS� newest laptop
ASUS� newest laptop is being released with enough features to roll with the big dogs. With many laptops manufacturers getting more competitive, maybe ASUS decided to come in strong and show that they could do it. The Z84Jp has everything: Intel Core 2 Duo, up to 4GB of DDR2 memory, SATA hard drive, and NVIDIA GeForce Go 7600 graphics card. ...
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