Search Results for: flickr

Gameboy Cake For the Tetris Fan

Every year around Halloween I go on a serious sugar bender. There’s something about this season that fuels the five-year-old inside of me. The problem is that I can literally look at a slice of cake and gain five pounds. So while this Game Boy cake looks extra scrumptious with its M&M Tetris design goin’ on, I think I might ...

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Pac-Man Car with Gullwing Doors

I don’t recall how many Pac-Man-themed cars I might have seen in my life, but this is no doubt the coolest, even if it’s only for the totally rad gullwing doors. Flickr user CarlaDallas took a shot of the awesome vehicle and uploaded it for your viewing pleasure. The details are scant so the owner is nowhere to be found, ...

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Steampunk Wedding Cake

Believe it or not, the metallic gears, doors, rivets, and panels were all made of fondant and were entirely edible. Through our long history of steampunk fanboy-ism we’ve never come across an edible steampunk creation, so this is pretty incredible.

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The New Batmobile

The recession has hit Batman pretty hard. In fact, he can’t even afford gas for his old Batmobile anymore. He’s replacing unleaded with peanuts. They might want to attach a fricken’ laser beam to his head. It’d be nice to have a weapon other than trample, you know, just in case we happen to be chasing down a criminal overlord. ...

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Dreamcast Controller iPhone Dock

Old meets new(ish) in Jay Hauf’s Dreamcast iPhone Dock creation. Mr. Hauf, you have just propelled yourself into one of the top spots for best iPhone dock mod. I don’t know if this is cooler than the Dinosaur Dock, because come on, it’s a fricken’ dinosaur, but it’s pretty damn close.

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Super Mario and Legend of Zelda Bowling Pins are Hideously Rad

When I was a kid I had my birthday at a bowling alley, like, 3 times. I was just that awesome. But if the bowling pins looked like this, I’d still be having my birthday parties there. These custom painted gaming bowling pins are equal part ugly and geek. Mario might look like a pedophile and Link like a deranged ...

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The Hoff and Pam Anderson Get the LEGO Treatment

Two of the biggest stars from one of the best of the worst shows from the 90s. Baywatch launched a revolution, not of television, but of wanking. There is no telling how many tissues this show wasted. I probably killed a small forest myself. I mean, just look at that body. He must work out. It was only a matter ...

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Star Destroyer Wedding Cake

Probably already long-ago digested and shat out by wedding guests, this Star Destroyer Wedding Cake must have been the centerpiece of the party. And if it wasn’t, I would love to see what the hell could top this (other than wedding toppers). This bad boy took a combined 15 hours to create and fed 100 people. 100 people? Give this ...

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Steampunk Lincoln is Not Impressed With Your Legislation

Steampunk animatron Abraham Lincoln is not amused. He just checked over some of your recent legislation and as you can see, he is not too happy. You will now feel the wrath of Steampunk Lincoln. Go, go jet power! Go, go ocular laser beams! If Steampunk Lincoln had a comic book, I’d be all over that shit. Link

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