Search Results for: beer

Crack A Cold One Open With Your Tools

When you combine beer and tools, men just can’t help but get excited. That’s why this cheap $18 bottle opener set is the perfect gift for your boyfriend or husband. Watch the look of joy on his face appear as he realizes you haven’t gotten him the standard Craftsman fare, but a powerful set of beer-crackers. So crack a cold ...

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Shot Glass Printing Machine

Here’s a video of a RepRap machine that can print out its own three-dimensional shot glasses. Does a robot get any cooler than that? Yes. The kind that brings you a beer. Why not get a LEGO Mindstorms setup going on that pours liquor into finished shotglasses? Now there’s an idea. Link

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Afternoon Linkage for November 19th, 2008

All you need to know is that there’s a new Johnnie Walker on the block and it goes great with links. An awesome miniature camera The Hermes ForTwo A new thermometer concept Walmart will be selling a $128 Blu-ray player come Black Friday Um, Guitar Hero and bikes? MSI brings netbook power to the desktop Solid Sneaker Shoelaces NYC has ...

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Workout Equipment With A Not-so Average Cup Holder

Forget going to the gym to save the environment. If you’ve got the equipment, why not put it to good use by modding an exercise bike to chill and heat stuff simultaneously for your own benefit? This guy did it and now look at him, he’s shredding pounds and chilling beers. That’s right, the integrated pair of copper wires that ...

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Dude Eats Incredibly Large Hamburger

We love burgers here at Gearfuse and while we normally wouldn’t do a post on food, this dude ate a 15-pound hamburger. You heard me. 15 pounds of delicious meat was consumed by one Brad Sciullo, a chef from Pennsylvania. And this just wasn’t bun and meat either: The burger included a bun, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, onions, mild banana peppers ...

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Gearfuse Puts The Port-O-Pong To The Test

Back in July, I briefly mentioned a beer pong raft that ruins the fundamental experience that is the game of beer pong. Well, the creators behind the Port-O-Pong weren’t too pleased about that, so they sent us one. Needless to say, my face lit up when it arrived at my doorstep. The advertisers claim it can be played “anywhere on ...

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Arcadimac Brings The Old School Fun

Those of you with an old Bondi Blue iMac G3 lying around, take note: you can actually use it for something useful. I know, it’s shocking but you’ve got to believe me. Modder Napes went and converted his old unit into a retro arcade. It uses sweet arcade-style joysticks and the 15″ display the iMac has is perfect for a ...

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DIY Barcade On The DL Bears No Shame

When you’re having company over, you can never be too sure whether or not they’re gamers. If they are, they’ll embrace your secret with open arms. If they aren’t, they’ll mock you. So, it’s best to keep your mouth shut about games and pour some drinks, instead. Burke Lashell has drinking friends, gaming friends and a whole lotta’ beer. When ...

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The Watch That’s Sure To Get You Some Octopussy

There’s a million watches out there that’ll make you look like James Bond but few of them feature cellphone functionality. With this phone, you’re getting all the luxuries of a decked out cellphone jam-packed in the comfort of a watch. If you’re not loving the wrist action, this watch can also be worn around the neck, though that’s not very ...

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Afternoon Linkage for October 1st, 2008

Aren’t you excited for October? The beer, the costumes, the season. It’s time for a new dose of linkage. Don’t forget our latest contest. Unbutton Your Beast Today’s teenagers think they can text blindfolded A new Nintendo DS come tomorrow? Not even GoW 2 can save the Zune Cut it out, Cox LaCie makes displays? A paintbrush with interchangeable brushes ...

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