Search Results for: flickr

LEGO Star Wars Chess Set

Lego builder Brandon Griffith created this awesome Star Wars chess set made completely out of LEGO elements. Griffith didn’t adhere to the typical chess piece rules. A few of the chess men are actually designed as vignettes from the movie. For example, the king’s bishop is actually a model of Obi Wan Kenobi disabling the Death Star’s tractor beam. Griffith ...

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LEGO Donald Duck

He might not transform into a Bug mobile, but he’s just as awesome in my book. LEGO Donald Duck is just as impossible to understand as the real one. Link [via]

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Darth Vader Misfits Skull Spotted on City Street

I’m not quite sure of what city this awesome Darth Vader/Misfits Skull wheatpaste graffiti was found, though we do know it was on Lake Street in some city, somewhere. Although the two are unrelated, it sort of works out great. Children of the late 70s are going to be really happy with this one. Link [via]

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LEGO Pirate Will Steal Your Yellow Bricks

One of our favorite holidays is coming up on September 19th. While technically everyday should be “Talk Like a Pirate Day” for us, September 19th is the day the world comes together and arghs and urghs in harmony. In celebration of this kickass holiday and as an entry for September’s Mini Build Design Contest, Flickr user polywen created this awesome ...

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Four-Legged Arachnid Robot Controlled via Wii Nunchucks

Developed and built by robotics man Drew, this “walking machine” resembles a four-legged spider and walks with an unusual hoppish gait. Designed to entertain, entertain it does. Costing around $1000 to produce, one of the coolest things about this arachind bot is that it’s controlled with two sets of modified Wii Nunchucks. If you want to test the waters and ...

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Optimus Prime Ice Sculpture

Ice sculptures are the type of thing you imagine old men doing in small Alaskan towns. But apparently there are some aspiring ice sculptors who like to add a taste of geekery to their art. This Optimus Prime ice sculpture would be great for chilling a small swimming pool full of beer. Other than that, I don’t see much use ...

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Steve Jobs Mobile Spied in Parking Lot of One Infinite Loop

Over are the days of Apple CEO Steve Jobs being assisted by mysterious men in black suits and the occasional helping hand from Jonathan Ive. El Jobso is now taking his own car to work, which leads me to believe that is recovery from liver transplant surgery is moving along just fine. At least now he has an excuse to ...

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LEGO Satan is Not Satisfied With Your Brick Creation

You’ve tried everything. You’ve tried rebuilding damaged architecture with LEGOs. You’ve tried building crazy reconstructions of video game characters. Hell, you’ve even tried recreating other forms of geek media with brick art. And guess what. None of your efforts have amused LEGO Satan. That deal you made with the devil for a lifetime supply of Jolt cola in exchange for ...

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Dude Gets Mario and Luigi Tattooed on Soles of Feet

The bottom of your feet are ultra-ticklish for a reason. They are very, very sensitive. So, I imagine this tattoo hurt a considerable amount. The soles of your feet have got to be a tender area. Regardless, this gaming geek was hardcore enough to have Mario and Luigi partaking in a round of fisticuffs, tattoo-style, on the bottom of their ...

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Steampunk iPhone Stand

Influenced by the technology featured in the films Dune and Blade Runner, the Steampunk-inspired iPhone stand, created by Dieter Erik von Schramm, is the result of browsing through the piping section of Lowes Hardware Store. The weathered finish was completed using Valspar spray paints. This will fit excellently into my pit of doom catacomb of love.

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