Search Results for: wii

This is The Worst Ad Placement of All Time

Awful advertising isn’t limited to the confines of the internet. I thought I had collected a pretty impressive variety of terrible ad placement, but this – this pretty much punches all of the other examples in the ovaries and then proceeds to curb stomp them. I understand that many drycleaners are owned by foreigners who might not quite put two ...

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Happy New Year Jews and Jewettes!

Ahh, my fellow brothers and sisters. It’s that time of the year where we celebrate the new year. As 5770 comes to an end and 5771 begins, we reflect on the past year’s indiscretions. Indiscretions in our home life, indiscretions in our relationships and indiscretions with farm animals, and we ask for forgiveness and make an oath to ourselves to ...

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LEGO Ghostbusters: I’m Pretty Sure Rick Moranis Approves

Moranis has got to be a geek. Just look at those glasses, that grin, his hair, that tight buttocks… wait, I meant tight scrotum. NO NO, tight acting skills! Yes. Acting skills. Aside from his affinity to inspire man crushes, Moranis has just GOT to be a fan of LEGOs. And these LEGO Ghostbusters pieces would definitly fall under “things ...

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Farmville Coasters Bring (The Most Annoying) Botany (Ever) to Your Beverage

I haven’t had this many drinks on a farm since, well, ever. Ok, there was that one time in Tijuana, but let’s change the subject, shall we? STOP GIVING ME THAT LOOK. I swear, the horse was asking for it! Farmville Coasters complete your obsessive attempt to integrate fake farming into your daily life. Congratulations, you’ve never had a withered ...

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Unleash Your Inner Rick Moranis: Ghostbusters Proton Pack Backpack

I haven’t seen Ghostbusters since I was about 5, but that doesn’t stop me from spouting out a “WANT!” when I set my eyes on this awesome Ghostbusters Proton Pack Backpack. As a connoisseur of all things paranormal, even if I’m not a huge fan of the Ghostbusters movies I’ve gotta show respect for the iconic pieces of 80s culture ...

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The “Create Your Own Sci-Fi Movie Monster” T-Shirt

Feel the wrath of Sharktopus! Fear the coming of Cyber Yeti! Wait a second, we’ve already seen an Arachnodroid. In fact, we’ve seen a few. The Science Fiction TV-Movie Title Generator t-shirt encourages the creation of horrible and hysterical hybrids of which the likes have never been seen. I mean Raptorsquito? Really? Malaria with a bite! Ok, ok, I’m sorry. ...

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Most Annoying Robot Ever Mimics Your Every Move in Real-Time

You know that asshole at the office who seems to repeat everything you say just to be a douche bag? Sometimes it even seems like he’s walking in step with you. What the hell is with that guy anyway? The geniuses over at the Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) in conjunction with Samsung Electronics created Mahru, the robotic ...

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David After Dentist 2: This IS Real Life!

In January 2009, a phenomenon began with the posting of David After Dentist onto YouTube by the DeVore family. Since then the original has gathered over 57 million views, making it one of the most popular videos ever published on the internet. Not until today did we get to see a little bit more of what was going on behind ...

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Bottled Ghosts Delivered Straight To Your Door

While the legality of buying and selling ghosts seems dubious at best (the Ghostbusters would have been rich!), this auction site doesn’t seem to have an issue with the paranormal trade. Extra! Extra! Two spirits for sale! We have had no activity since they were bottled on July 15th 2009 . So i believe they are in the bottles. They ...

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