Search Results for: Star Wars

Three Ewok Moon T-Shirt: Wait, That’s No Moon

The majesty of the Three Wolf Moon t-shirt (now in PJ form!) is almost impossible to upstage. But if there was anyway to do it, I’m pretty sure the Star Wars Shop just figured it out. The Three Ewok Moon tee pays homage to an internet meme which some might consider played out, but this design provides a breath of ...

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This Is Why Backyards Were Invented

None of this modern “safety-first” crap. Just your kids, fifteen feet in the air, supported by a few sketchy looking stilts. Anything in the name of Star Wars. And with a “4-sound electronic console” how could you possibly go wrong? Link

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It’s a Crap!: Admiral Ackbar Toilet Traps Your High-Powered Missiles

This toilet has been floating (no pun intended) around a few viral sites recently and I hesitated to jump on it out of sheer will. I’m typically against posting stuff that you might have already seen. But there’s something about the Admiral Ackbar Toilet that keeps bringing me back. It’s likely not the smell. Deviantart user bmansnuggles created this awesome ...

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Mini-Mario: Video Game Character Custom LEGO Minifigs

LEGO has made official film-branded minifigs, such as Star Wars and even Toy Story, but they have yet to delve into the world of video gaming, which is actually sort of a mystery. So what are we geeks forced to resort to? Buying custom video game minifigs created by other geeks. These gaming minifigs by assorted artists can be found ...

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LOLcat Trading Cards: I Can Haz Tap?

I was a huge Magic: The Gathering nerd for the majority of my early-teenage years. I dabbled in other trading card games, including my short-lived Star Wars trading card phase, but Magic was always the one that stuck around. Flickr user Ochre Jelly attempts to enter his contribution to the modern trading card gaming world with LOLcat trading cards, a ...

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AT-TE Walker LEGO iPhone Dock

Inspired by the AT-TE Walkers from the Star Wars universe, this iPhone dock is composed of an assortment of LEGO bricks. Creator Chris Harrison’s obsession with his iPhone, Star Wars and caffeine led to the creation of one of the coolest iPhone docks we’ve seen yet (though any dock is going to be hard pressed to beat the Dinosaur Dock). ...

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Steampunk Stormtrooper Helmet

No doubt about it, the Star Wars universe just wouldn’t be the same without the shiny white uniforms of the Stormtroopers, but maybe the boss Stormtrooper man could wear a steampunk-themed helmet. You know, just to�differentiate�himself from the crowd. Though this might defeat the purpose. I think the anonymity of Stormtroopers added to the fascist overtone of the Empire. Almost ...

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Braille Rubik’s Cube for the Blind

The world of a blind geek must be a difficult one. Many of the luxuries we take for granted (watching Star Wars, reading fanfiction, witnessing Steve Jobs unveil the newest device in the Apple arsenal) just aren’t possible for the blind to the extent that the fully-functional among us have become accustomed to. Imagine Star Wars without being able to ...

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Super Powers!: Girl Can Properly Identify LEGO Minifigs Using Only Her Mouth

Superman has his super-strength. Batman has his gadgets (and his finger). Spiderman has his radioactive spidey senses. But none can match the�unadulterated�power of this girl who recently appeared on German TV. Not only did she get to sit in Captain Kirk’s chair (for reasons that alludes me), but she can pretty accurately�identify�Star Wars LEGO minifigs using only her mouth, with ...

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