Search Results for: beer

Inexpensive Night Vision Goggles

ThinkGeek does it again! This time, the gadget outfitter is offering up a pair of night vision goggles for the low price of $90. That’s right. For under $100, you can get a pair of goggles that will truly unleash your inner peeping tom. ThinkGeek is sold out right now but it’s taking backorders and they’ll ship October 6th. Link ...

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This Cooler Has A Better Stereo System Than My Car

When I’m headed to the beach, I’m usually carrying a heavy ass cooler full of beer. The problem is, I’m always going alone, all by myself. At first, it might not seem like that big of deal, but then it strikes me: who can I find to carry my stereo? A question that haunts me no more, thanks to Boomcooler. ...

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Run, Hacker, Run!

It didn’t take long before the person responsible for hacking into Sarah Palin’s e-mail account was traced.� Thanks to the wonders of IP addresses, the one responsible for the intrusion was traced back to an ISP of a Knoxville, Tennessee student housing complex that is now under federal investigation. Acting upon a search warrant early Sunday morning, the FBI showed ...

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DIY: Your Very Own Portal Gun

Ever since playing Portal, I’ve always wanted my own Aperture Science portal gun. When the feds are chasing me, there is no getaway cleaner than teleportation. Instructables member Chiok feels the same way and hopes to get into the props and special effects industry by creating this replica of the famous portal gun found in Valve’s puzzle game, Portal. Using ...

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Recreating The Earth’s Magnetic Field – On Earth

Scientists are always trying to replicate phenomenons here on earth. With the Large Hadron Collider attempting to test various theories and even replicate the big bang, you’d think scientists all over the world have their hands full. On the contrary, scientists at the University of Maryland have their own little maniacal tests to conduct. They’ve built a ten foot high, ...

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Budweiser Salutes The Flag

Despite not being a huge fan of the taste of Budweiser beer, I must admit it’s got balls as big as Irish girls ass. Budweiser is brewing a new American Ale as a gift for the rest of the world to relish in yeasty malty goodness. On the 29th this homage to American brewing will be purchasable in stores so ...

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Mucho Rumor: Google To Buy Valve?

I’m taking this rumor with the smallest possible grain of salt. After all, what business would Google have buying gaming company Valve? Sure, the Steam distribution platform is hot and Google would love to have said technology in it’s paws but what good is that going to do for the rest of Valve’s assets? I’m sure Portal and Half-Life aren’t ...

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Afternoon Linkage for September 16th, 2008

Girl you know it’s true. Ooh, ooh, ooh, I got links for you. Swype, Swype, baby Even stupider than Bluetooth headsets Wiimote a la Xbox 360 An incredibly disappointing “Beer on a Stick” RFID is coming to Walgreens A pool table that turns into a dinner table Here’s a review of Rock Band 2 I participated in Wario is hitting ...

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Heineken Mini-keg Joins A Rock Band

Just because you killed off your Heineken mini-keg all doesn’t mean the fun has to end there. Why not make use of it by turning the keg into a guitar amplifier? eBay seller k_hessler� puts these amplifiers together (whilst under the influence) so he can sell them on the Internet for $119.99. There’s nothing specifically noteworthy about this 20W amp, ...

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