Search Results for: wallet

iCache lets you ditch all of your plastic cash

Are those credit cards pileing up in your wallet? Well, first off, you probably shouldn’t have that many cards, but if you insist, there might be something to come to your rescue. The iCache lets you register your credit cards online so that all of those credit cards can stay at home. The iCache keeps your card info secure (of ...

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Skim Black prevents your money from being stolen wirelessly

It is really hard to imagine for people who have never heard of Near Field Communication systems (NFC), it’s basically what large companies use for security purposes, it’s a card-sized or card-thinned contactless device that can exchange data with a system via a reader (antenna). A lot of countries have started using some form of contactless payment system, the Oyster ...

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Wave down taxi with Taxi Hailer

Anyone who lives in a big city, or even has visited one, know how much it sucks to have to look for a taxi. They might be all around you, but not a single one seems to be available, or when every single one seems to pick up everyone on the street but you. Well a cabbie named Tony Brady ...

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Super cheap DH-S600 speakers fit anyone’s budget

If you were to look at the price of these small speakers, you would think that they were being sold at Target during their after-Christmas sale. Fortunately, the price of $12 will stay for as long as you wish, or at least until Dunherm stops making them. These DH-S600 speakers are very simple, sleek and get the job done. Each ...

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Fabric Keyboard/Carrying Case for UMPCs

‘Smart fabric’ company Eleksen has created a prototype fabric keyboard that doubles as a carrying case for a UMPC. It’s nice to see alternative keyboards like this, because while computer technology has advanced in many other areas, keyboards have remained mostly static. The device consists of a network of sensors and wires sewn into a neoprene wallet-case. Steve at The ...

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