Search Results for: Star Wars

Ways to Maximize Profits Using Amazon Repricing

Amazon repricing

Simply using Amazon repricing software does not guarantee that you will make a lot of profits. Your sales may increase but your profits may stagnate or even fall. There are things you need to know, understand, and do to achieve success in using repricing software. Choosing the Right Repricing Software Tool Don’t expect repricing software from various developers to be ...

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7 Reasons to Use Wix to Build Your Website

wix website

The website building wars are currently dominated by players like WordPress and Joomla, but since 2015 Wix has been steadily growing in popularity to become one of the best website builders, giving them, and especially Joomla, a tough competition. It may seem hard to match up with super popular WordPress, but some site builders do. There’s Magento, a CMS aimed ...

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Welcome to the Year of High Performing Phones at Lower Prices

Gone are the days when you had to pay big to get the best performing smartphones. According to NDTV, last year could be seen as the year when there is a shift in the type of competition manufacturers were engaging. Before 2014, the competition was all about bringing the best specs and it gave us the flagship mobiles like the ...

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An Intelligent Sleep Mask To Help You Sleep Better


Do you have trouble sleeping? Can you sleep with a sleep mask on? Then the "Zizz" could be just what you're looking for. The Zizz is an artificially intelligent sleep mask that is designed to improve your sleeping experience. Created by a Warsaw-based startup called IQ Intelclinic, the Zizz utilizes sensors to monitor the sleep cycles of the wearer.

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Movie Posters From Alternate Angles

Movie posters are almost as much a part of pop culture as movies are themselves. A good poster can make or break an opening weekend. Ad agency Y&R created these awesome alternate angle movie posters for LG's 3D sound advertising campaign.

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