Search Results for: concept

Cross Browser Testing: Browser-OS Combinations to Look for in 2024

Cross Browser Testing: Browser-OS Combinations to Look for in 2022

Experience is one of the key factors that help companies to delight their customers. So while designing a new website or maintaining an old one, the companies should ensure a uniform User experience across all platforms. The developers should also ensure that the version of any web browser should not affect the end-user experience. In the modern generation, every browser ...

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The Shocking Impact of Soil on Human Health: Unearthing the Truth

The Shocking Impact of Soil on Human Health: Unearthing the Truth

Rich, dark brown, fertile soil is crucial to human health. It’s necessary to the health of the Earth as well.  Though many focus their health-promoting and earth-saving efforts on things like eating less meat or promoting solar power, the soil could hold the answer to some of the world’s most significant environmental issues. At the same time, soil degradation could ...

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Summary of 2021 #ytmakerssecretsanta Secret Santa

Summary of 2021 #ytmakerssecretsanta Secret Santa

For the last 3 years (at least), a group of YouTube DIY makers have been hosting a “Secret Santa” DIY project.  A group of 12 YouTubers whose channels focus on DIY projects each pick a name to give a DIY gift that cost no more than $100 to another YouTuber.  In return, a different YouTuber picks their name to give ...

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What Tech Trends Will be in 2024


New technology trends have gradually become a thing since the better part of the 21st century. Awareness of technology trends is a needed skill because technology has become increasingly popular, and more innovations are being made almost every day. Technological awareness gives you the ability to understand its usefulness and recognize technology in its applications in different forms like business, economics, education, ...

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A Guide to Selecting the Perfect eLearning Vendor

A Guide to Selecting the Perfect eLearning Vendor

As the corporate environment changes at a light’s speed, professionals must improve their skill sets to deal with the changes without interfering with their daily tasks. Although, the in-house development of learning platforms within an organization has its perks. Outsourcing the development and deployment of the eLearning platform  is more cost-effective for today’s fast paced companies. Outsourcing not only makes ...

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Video Games Might Increase Your IQ: Is It True?

Video Games Might Increase Your IQ: Is It True

Description: There are ways to shape intelligence through brain exercise games. While some are skeptical, others have no doubts about using games to boost their IQ. The reality of virtual entertainment is getting to everyone. Especially to children. That’s why the argument about its benefits and downsides gets only sharper. Are the good things what we really want them to ...

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Why should you Learn Art or Trade Skills?


Being artistic is, first and foremost, a highly sought after and almost universally praised attribute for a person to have. All across the globe and across every culture you can think of, artists are considered people of import. Sure, in modernity some artists can get the bad rap of just being unemployed people who are unsure of what to do ...

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Blockchain Technology in Real Estate


Blockchain technology has disrupted the finance sector and subsequently many businesses in different industries around the world are now also being influenced by this revolutionary technology. It is worth noting that the real estate market is no exception. Blockchain is famously known as the technology behind well known cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, and we can all agree that Bitcoin and other ...

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5 Technical Skills To Succeed As A Software Engineer In 2021

Software Engineer

There are several technical skills to succeed as a software engineer in 2021. Typically, software engineers analyze users and business needs. Then, they work to develop, design, and maintain programs that meet those needs. Notably, engineering is a highly competitive job field in the tech industry. In addition, it is constantly changing. As an aspiring software engineer, you need to ...

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Why is Formal Education Important?


“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education” – Martin Luther King Experiences and peculiar situations in life will always help you grow exponentially as an individual. However, formal education has a gamut of perks that resonate in a variety of professions. ...

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