Search Results for: solar

Armchair Cruisers: The future of lazy (and free) transportation

Some people are just so lazy that they put their laziness to good use and create something like the Armchair Cruiser, an environment-friendly, no fuel cost, and COMFORTABLE ride. It isn’t quite street legal, but it sure does look like a blast to ride, or at least to sit on. The Armchair Cruiser is being coined as a “FTOV” or ...

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DigitalXtractions creates Ultimate Outdoor Webcam

Webcams can now join the list of gadgets that can be solar-powered. DigitalXtractions just came out with the Ultimate Outdoor Webcam, also called SCIRC t1, which comes with solar-power and internet connection capabilities. There are optional solar panels you can buy to get your energy from the sun, so you can webcam and tan at the same time; you know ...

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ModeLabs release Eco-Friendly cellphones

With everyone worrying about the environment and global warming, it�s amazing that people just started going on the environment craze with cell phones. There are 3 new phones that Modelabs just released: the YoYo, U-Turn, and Runaway, which are all designed to have the least amount of impact on the environment. The phones are made to pull power from the ...

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Live in style in Duke’s Smart House

Loved the idea of college but hated the thought of living in dorms, or even worse, frat houses with their raging parties 24/7? Well if you did, you should work your butt off and try to get accepted to Duke University so you can live in the newly designed Smart House, funded by Home Depot. Starting in fall 2007, 10 ...

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