Search Results for: bill gates

Microsoft’s Surface Goes Vertical With TouchWall

TouchWall, a prototype device currently in development by Microsoft Research and Office Labs is a lot like Microsoft Surface, the tabletop computer with multi touch capabilities, except now it hangs from your wall. Some basic uses of TouchWall include dragging, scrolling, enlarging documents as well as viewing photos and videos. At the CEO Summit, Bill Gates is expected to talk ...

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8 Geeky Product And Gadget Combos Of Curiosity

There has been a metaphorical shit-storm of weird products recently, combining odd branding with some of the most obscure of gadgets. And while dropping a brand name on a box in order to sell a few more products isn’t necessarily rare, some of these branding combos are pretty out of this world. The eight gadgets which follow are not only ...

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Bid On The Ultimate Halo 3 Package: Unless You’re Poor

To commemorate the release of Halo 3, and to support the Boys and Girls Club, the folks at Microsoft are holding a special auction where Halo fanatics everywhere can bid on what is being dubbed as the “ultimate Halo 3 package.” What’s so ultimate about it you ask? Check out the list of contents after the jump.

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Microsoft HD Photo to be the standard for the JPEG committee?

Bill Gates is one persistent little man. Microsoft continues to fight for their own photo format as an alternative to the JPEG. Gates’ goal went a step further today as the JPEG standards group announced that they would consider the Microsoft HD Photo to be a standard format. Microsoft has thrown lots of money and man power into their fight ...

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No More Moore: Peter leaves Microsoft for EA

Microsoft announced today that Peter Moore, head of XBox and video games for the company, has decided to resign from his post under Bill Gates’ ruling regime. Moore now sets his sails to the promised land, Electric Arts’ EA Sports brand. The image above shows Moore furiously throwing the XBox into a ceremonial pit of fire. Of EA Sports, Moore ...

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I now pronounce you, Mii and Mii. You may kiss the Wii.

Gamer geeks have got to stick together. Sometimes, this even means getting married. And what would be a gamer wedding without gamer props? A couple getting married commissioned a pair of Mii figurines which will replace the typical bride and groom figures placed on top of the wedding cake. These Mii figurines are a product of MiiSculpture, a company which ...

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Stunningly bad Windows 386 promo video from Hell

[ev type=”youtube” data=”QGO2hVA3P58″][/ev] What the hell was Bill Gates on when he approved this commercial? The fact that this video was played to prospective customers is absolutely ridiculous. If we were buying software and this is the video we saw from Microsoft, we would think they were some back alley public broadcasting company. Take a gander and the video if ...

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Watch movies on your phone on the train from the DVD at home

Ok we know that you can stream videos on your XBOX360 off your PC in your bedroom. Bill Gates digs that. We know that you can access your home PC via your PC at the office. How about controlling your PC on your phone and stream videos? Sounds like a dream eh. If you happen to live in Japan, you ...

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What Happens If You Answer a Spam Call? And How To Stop Them!

Spam Call

Spam calls—ugh, they are among the most irritating things all of us face today. You know the drill: your phone is ringing, and then comes the pick-up; bang—you’re either hit with a robotic voice or a pushy scammer trying to reel you in for something shady. Have you ever thought about what really happens when you answer that call? But ...

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