Search Results for: remote

Game Boy Pillow Is Much Comfier Than The Real Thing

Not remotely the first time I’ve fallen asleep with a Game Boy near my head, this Game Boy Cushion brings back countless memories from my childhood, sneaking my Game Boy under my blankets and playing into the early morning hours, or until I just couldn’t stay awake anymore. I would literally keep dropping the damn thing on my own face ...

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Plen Robot is Controlled Via Your Android Unit

Robots really do come in all forms of shapes and sizes. Even if this little guy is pretty generic as far as form-factor goes, it’s what’s under the hood that makes Plen so spectacular. Controlled via the Android operating system, you can remotely navigate this little guy right from the comfort of your very own mobile device via the power ...

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NES Controller Soap

If you’re getting sick of washing your kids’ mouth out with Gmail, maybe it’s time to make a soap switch. This NES Controller Soap is just as geeky, perhaps even more so, than the Gmail soap. And while it probably doesn’t taste nearly as good as Beer Soap, that would sort of be the point. Shipping in packs of four, ...

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How to Roar Like Chewbacca

Chewbacca’s roar. This is one talent I’ve always wanted, along with the ability to rip off the arms of a droid if they beat me in chess, but that’s another talent for another time. This sexy instructional video features an adorable geek chick unveiling the secrets of the Chewie roar. You’ll need to have some sort of control over your ...

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RFID-Enabled Arduino Furry Tail Reveals Your Mood

Only furries could create something so ridiculously mundane that it completely circles around lameness and cycles back to being totally awesome again. This RFID-enabled Arduino-driven tail apparently reacts to different mood chips, wagging if your happy or excited, so on and so forth. The tail is also controllable with the Wii Nunchuk remote. If your dressing up as a possum ...

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Three-Headed Dog Costume

Are you a fan of Harry Potter or do you just have a really freaky bestiality fantasy? Both fanboys, disturbed and literary, should be satisfied with this photo of a dog wearing a three-headed costume, akin to Hagrid’s very own Fluffy from the Harry Potter series. Attached to a harness, this costume actually seems less tortuous than other forms of ...

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An MP3 Player That Goes Straight Into Your Ear

Thanko might not be known for their practicality, but I think they might be on to something for once. Their Micro Sports MP3 Player looks more like a Bluetooth headset. The device fits right into your ear with a built-in earbud. It’s that tiny. Available in 2GB and 4GB flavors, the Micro Sports MP3 Player looks a little chintzy, but ...

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How Could You Be So Forkless?

I’m not sure how this Forkless Bike works, so I’m just going to assume it’s via magic. Designed by Olli Erklia, this bike ain’t got no alibi, it’s forkless. Yeah, yeah, it’s forkless. Link [via]

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Typography Soap

Despite popular belief, graphic designers need to shower too. They don’t just shed their skin every few weeks like the text books might have you believe. Even if many of them live and breathe typography, there comes a time when you have to put the fonts to rest so you can continue other life functions, such as sleeping and showering. ...

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