by Unhindered by Talent Is there anything that modern technology doesn’t affect? It was a question prompted by our recent piece on how technology is moulding the modern office [an internal link might be useful here]. I mean, if businesses can be made more efficient, if people can have mechanical hearts implanted in to their bodies, if 3D printers can produce ...
Read More »Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing
Marketing is an integral part of building a business and is focused entirely on communication. In fact, it has the power to make or break a brand entirely depending on the approach or rather lack of thereof. Traditional marketing strategies have evolved over time to adapt to the needs of the consumers and technology has played a huge role in ...
Read More »Yes – There’s Still More Terminator
by twm1340 The Terminator needs no introduction to gamers. Since Arnold Schwarzenegger first hit our screens as the cyborg assassin sent from the future (2029 to be exact) to assassinate Sarah Connor, the whole thing has grown into a genre all of its own it seems. In fact, “The Terminator” wasn’t really expected to do all that well at the box ...
Read More »Amcom: Amazon Web Services Gateway in Australia
Amazon Web Services Gateway Amazon Web Services (AWS) are hailed by some as the new wave in application design and information management. These web services provide clients with access to Amazon’s full network, and they provide simple building blocks that anyone can use to customize the right technological package they need. With high speed computing, a huge amount of storage ...
Read More »Making the Outdoors Truly Great — Terrific Camping Innovations
A typical life time will have at least one memory of a totally botched camping trip. Like the time your tent leaked so much you woke up with it sticking to your wet hair, or the poignancy of pouring your canvas palace forth from its tarpaulin sheath to find some crucial ingredient missing, like the tent poles. Camping was once ...
Read More »Beware of Android: New Android Phones are Leaking Location Data
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has unearthed an alarmingly violating problem with the latest Android Phones (3.1 and above). Users choose to share their locations via Facebook, Twitter and other networks frequently but their android phones’ releasing that information without their permission is considered to be a serious violation of privacy indeed. EFF found that information about the location of ...
Read More »How Technology is Molding the Modern Office
The last few years have seen business technology developing faster than ever, and nowhere more so than in the office, where a variety of different technologies have come together to revolutionize the way work is carried out. Now, a new wave of technologies is emerging that is seeing some businesses do away with the office altogether – at least physically. ...
Read More »Free Wi-Fi Security: 5 Puslic Hotspot Do’s and Don’ts
Hotels, train stations, airports, pubs, restaurants, cafes and shops. Those are just some of the places you’ll find free wireless broadband. Generally speaking, it’s safe to use public hotspots wherever they are – as long as you follow a few Wi-Fi security basics. When you connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot, your device starts a ‘conversation’ with the router, which may also ...
Read More »How to Protect Your Organisation Against the Threat of Unauthorised Access
The rise of the internet has meant big changes for modern businesses, offering them convenient communication, rapid information access and mass data storage at their fingertips. However while these benefits are incredibly advantageous, they are not without risk. The threat of unauthorised access is one of the major challenges of taking a business into the digital sphere, and can have ...
Read More »The Modern Mobile Home
A few years ago the concept of using mobile technology to complete everyday tasks in the home would have been considered incredible, but the technology is evolving all the time, and there are now many things a person can do with the help of their smartphone. People are looking for ways to make life easier all the time, and luckily there are companies out there that are racing to create the next big innovation for technology-loving homeowners.
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