An Intelligent Sleep Mask To Help You Sleep Better


Do you have trouble sleeping? Can you sleep with a sleep mask on? Then the "Zizz" could be just what you're looking for. The Zizz is an artificially intelligent sleep mask that is designed to improve your sleeping experience. Created by a Warsaw-based startup called IQ Intelclinic, the Zizz utilizes sensors to monitor the sleep cycles of the wearer.

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Can Website Hosting Be Made Idiot Proof?


A question that will leave most tech-heads shaking their heads in unison - can website hosting be made idiot proof? Well Brace is trying. Brace is a new service that utilizes Dropbox to organize and sync files to personal websites. Theoretically this means that people who don't understand the "complexities" of FTP and the like, can now utilize a drag and drop system to manage their files and styles.

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Japan’s Epsilon Rocket Heads In To Space!

Japan's Epsilon rocket

The Epsilon Rocket makes news for a number of reasons but costing a measely $37 million to launch is one of them! The Japanese rocket, Epsilon, launched from South-West Japan at 2pm local time. The rocket is headed in to space to launch a telescope in to the Earth's orbit where it will keep an eye on our neighboring planets.

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The Grand Reveal Of The Sony BRAVIA Smart Stick!

Sony BRAVIA Smart Stick

The newly revealed Sony Bravia Smart Stick might look a lot like the Google Chromecast but so far there are few mentions of features that could rival the Chromecast. The Sony Bravia Smart Stick was revealed today and apparently the MHL dongle will run both Sony Bravia and Google apps. According to some the Smart Stick will feature a number of characteristics that have been seen before with the Sony Google TV boxes.

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Gymnast Bot Wows Time And Time Again!


If you're looking for something to keep you entertained on YouTube (as if you have to look all that hard) check out gymnast bot. Aside from sticking every landing, gymnast bot has all the moves and they just keep on coming. Once you watch this bot in action you'll want to check out every video ever made of gymnast what are you waiting for?

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